You can hate what he’s doing and what he stands for without hating him as a person. Give it a try, you’ll feel better!
Prayer sent.
Don’t let them get to you to that degree. They are counting on many of us reaching that point and then not thinking.
We need to be calm, cool, collected. You know who they are and what they are doing. That means you are way ahead of them.
Keep your cool. Channel your anger into something productive.
And remember that this is the “world.” And the world is not paradise. Jesus told us the world is going to be full of violence and horrors.
Do what you can to make the world a better place and take care of yourself and your family. But be in the world, not of the world.
If that doesn’t work, take a retreat from political issues for a while. Let the rest of us carry the burden until you have the situation balanced out.
I don’t really hate him. I’m just not partial to him.
I don’t wish Obamy or his family any bad thing, but I want them gone next election.
Prayers for you , GR. and for your Mom. I sincerely do not believe that God is punishing her for your sins. And as for the hate, you are correct to question it. We are called to love our enemies, but that is not incompatible with working as hard as we can to defeat them. Stay close to the Lord, brother, and he will draw close to you.
Love your Mom, do what you can to support her.
God loves you. He wants none to parish.
My guess that its not that you hate BHO, but you hate what he is doing. It is OK to hate sin.
I will pray for your strength beyond human understand.
Don’t let that fool “Occupy Your Mind”. And remember not to take yourself too seriously.
I’d be happy to talk to you about the splinter in your eye but I have this plank here in my eye. :)
We are all sinners. You, me, Obama, the person who made the previous comment, the person who will make the next comment, etc. etc. God has a lot more practice forgiving than we do.
Mat 18:21
Then Peter came to him and asked, Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?
22No, not seven times, Jesus replied, but seventy times seven!
Ask the Savior for help. Know that we pray for you. You must not fear the future. God has warned us, and promised us that as we keep His commandments, have charity (love) for all our fellow beings, He will make us strong. He will protect and guide us.
Hate is a tool of the devil. When you recognize that hate being evident to yourself, make sure you get on your knees and ask for help from the Source of all Comfort, Our Lord and Savior.
We pray for you.
Not in a million years. He loves you. To prove that, He sent His son to die on the cross for your sins.
It’s okay to “hate” evil.
Psalm 97:10
Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Hatred against individuals is a destructive thing. You should hate not Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Reid but the atheistic socialism that they stand for.
Also, we should all study American democracy and Western civilization to know what to be in favor of and not just what to be against.
No, God is not punishing your mother. Homes, mobile or otherwise, are just things and we should not be too attached to any material things. Help your mother find a new place to live. It may bring you closer together. Maybe a senior apartment complex if she is older and lower income?
P.S. Vanity threads such as this one do not belong in News/Activism. Next time, post it to General/Chat or Bloggers/Personal.
God doesn’t want any of us truly hating (wishing evil and damnation) on anyone. When we do that we are the opposite of God who is—Love. I think while you need to ask God’s forgiveness, I also recommend that you avoid the occasions of sin. So, if hearing or reading about Obama causes you sin avoid those things. So FreeRepublic may not be the best place for you right now. :) Just try to avoid Obama news for awhile. Here’s another thing I was once told. Pray for the person who is causing you the anger. Every time you are angry with them, pray for their soul. It does help.
God bless you!! God loves you!!
I’m not religious.
I’ll hate him for both of us, keeps me warm.
Your welcome.
Prayers sent.
I don’t know how many of your questions are rhetorical, but I’ll answer them anyway.
* Your mother’s problems are unlikely to be caused by God’s anger at you
* God has infinite patience. If you are sincere in your attempts to become a better person, God will not give you up for lost.
* As you know, we called to “sin no more.” However, while on earth, we will be striving — but not attaining — a sin-free life. We each have our weaknesses and seem to fall into the same traps over and over again.
Suggested reading:
Matthew 18
Romans 7 [especially verse 15 and following]
This is a Catholic site, but you might find
Good luck, and I pray you will be able to let go of the hate.
When I get mad at Obama or some other liberal politician, I just think of my sainted grandma, a Roosevelt Democrat. I know that no matter what our political differences, I loved her, and I know that she sincerely believed her views were for the good of the whole country.
And I remember that in the end, the last President for whom she cast a vote was Ronald Reagan.
There is hope for everyone, including the current President, and I don’t doubt his essential good intentions regardless of how wrong and destructive his ideology may be.
Pray for divine guidance for him, and for protection against any harm to him or his family. This is specifically commanded of us in both the Old and New Testaments.
Got a rocket, in your pocket? Keep cooly cool boy...