Posted on 11/25/2011 10:33:13 AM PST by TitansAFC
This is frustrating, to say the least, but a sad reality.
Obama will retain 95%+ of the black vote no matter who we nominate.
It’s a sad commentary on the average black voter but they are just democrat/obama to the core.
Cain’s wife will probably vote for Obama. She might vote for her husband but if he doesn’t make it, I’ll bet she and 99% of Cain’s fellow church members will vote Obama.
And there doesn’t seem to be a darn thing we can do about it. They just don’t get it.
People who have something to say should say it and not send us off on a wild link chase.
Nobody goes.
There are no words in the English language that can describe this condition.
A negative post about Cain by TitansAFC. As Gomer Pyle used to say, ‘Surprise, surprise, surprise.’
As I said, this is so damn frustrating that I cannot muster words to adequate describe how I feel.
How on EARTH does ANY demographic of ANY kind vote so homogenously? It’s a statistical impossibility, yet it happens EVERY election! GRrrrrr....
Not about Herman Cain; or rather, he is an ancillary character in this thread.
This is about the black vote and it’s inexplicable homogenousy.
No surprise there. But Obama (and MSNBC) has to get them enthused enough to vote.
However if the GOP ran a black FULL AMERICAN who happens to be conservative against a half-black half-African loser like Obama, we would have an interesting race. What would hispanics do of a Cain nominee kept telling them how Cain failed them? I cant imagine they would trust Romney or Newt.
Sometimes I think its because to not be for Obama would indirectly mean they'd have to take a stand against their own who are living off the government and that would meann they'd have to take care of their indigent families...which would affect their own lifestyles....and that's not just for the black population either...but all those who voted for Obama and his handouts.
A large percentage of jews also support Obama.
I often regard the back of the hand as ancillary.
OK , I screwed that one up, try:
However if the GOP ran a black FULL AMERICAN who happens to be conservative against a half-black half-African loser like Obama, we would have an interesting race. What would hispanics do if a Cain nominee kept telling them how Obama failed them? I cant imagine they would trust Romney or Newt.
To be honest, if we are looking to bring new voters in, we should do it in the Veep slot, no matter who we nominate. We should also focus on demographics that can be swayed to vote differently to some degree (Latinos, Women, et al).
We’re not getting more of the black vote, and it’s certainly not going to happen with Obama on the ballot.
Stupid is as stupid does.
We are talking about a people who actually willingly dress like prison inmates...
I mean, come on...
Conservatives will never get that vote. Blacks are looking for a FDR/JFK/LBJ expand Federal government type.
But they could repress that vote by going negative on Obama in their areas. Cain is a good person to do that.
That sounds logical.
I’ve read stories saying quite the opposite.
The chances of Mrs. Cain facing an Obama vs. Cain ballot are very slim. I fully expect for her to vote for Barry once again.
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