How would it be if we used that fear to get behind a candidate who is not Romney? Right now, the Perry supporters are attacking Cain, the Bachmann supporters are attacking Perry, and everyone who isn't for Gingrich is loaded for bear. Perhaps if we refused to accept the inevitability of Romney, we could come to terms with a candidate who maybe wasn't our first choice, but had the fact that he was definitely not Romney going for him/her. In my primary, I'm voting for the frontrunner to upset Romney. I prefer any of them to Mitt.
I don’t think the power brokers understand the Tea Party or the vast numbers of Americans that are fed up with the direction of the country. Rather than vote for Romney, I’d rather see Obama get a second term and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is utterly useless.
As long as Democrats don’t control the house, Obama is still neutered. My only concern is if one of the somewhat conservative Supreme Court justices bail in the four years after 2012.