pelozi could be prosecuted...NO law exempting!...
Hell is TOO GOOD for this Female DOG!
How about a 100% tax on the loot Pelosie got from Visa?
Pelosi to supercommittee Republicans: Tax the rich or I’ll shoot this kitten!
couldn’t be more predictable. happy boehner?
How about Pelosi returning the insider trader money she got per 60 Minutes?
Corruption thy name is DC politician(s).
Cut out the f 35 and say your move bitch.
Oh, no...
By “the rich”, she doesn’t mean the actual WEALTHY,
she means you amd me... the people who have some savings and property earned from hard work,
and this is the same “the rich” that they will gin up absolute HATRED for when the crash comes, deflecting blame from themselves.
REPUBs to Pelosi,
Close two gov. agencies to keep the country’s integrity?
I agree, let’s tax the heck out of all rich RATS!
Republicans made a very bad deal with this super committee and trigger cuts. The idea that defense should take half of the reductions is ridiculous. Defense is the core function of government. I also think that failure to agree involves the expiration of the Bush tax rates although I may be mistaken on this point. Democrats have more bargaining power in the super committee so I expect that Republicans will cave or deal with large reductions in the defense budget.
I thought the Supercommittee was charged to find cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. Whatever happened to that deal? Where did tax hikes come from?
Let’s see the congressional Democrats demonstrate real leadership. Let every demo senator and congressperson who is worth more than $1 million give up one half to the federal treasury, everyone who is worth more than $10 million give up three quarters to the treasury, and everyone who is worth more than $50 million give up 90%. As this is being calculated make sure all spousal assets are included, all overseas assets, and all currently tax-sheltered assets. Eliminate all loopholes to them as they calculate their wealth except those approved by the first hundred people listed in the Topeka, Kansas telephone book. After they have done that, we will pass legislation to tax the rich at a higher degree. And then remind them that they, under Obama’s scheme will still be counted as among the rich.
Let’s see some real patriotic, caring leadership. Nancy, Harry, you first, show us your sincerity.
Nancy lies...again.
Pelosi, liquidate all your and your beard husband wealth. Send check to DOD. Set an example, you hypocrite. Go live in your children’s cellar and collect a Social Security crazy check.
Pelosi does not have enough votes to accept or reject anything.
There will be no spending cuts, as a matter of fact, the $300B in taxes the GOP will agree to raise, the Democrats want to spend it on stimulus.
What Democrats are saying is that if we want deficit reduction they will give us the following choices :
1) Raise taxes on ‘the rich’
Note that taxes go up after the election is nothing is done.
2) Cut defense
And a third option being no deficit reduction.
Alternatively a passed and signed budget bill in 2013 could replace the trigger cuts, but we are likely to have the same problem then as we did this year: gridlock. Plus at this point we CAN'T count on Republicans doing especially well in the next election.
We need a tax code which SPECIFICALLY addresses millionaire CONGRESSMEN at 75% of their assets. After a few years THAT might flush them out of office as they won;t have anything left to run with - cashwise!!!
There is so much waste in the DOD right now that they could suffer some cuts.
If the GOP walks from the tax cut side and triggers the across-the-board cuts, it would be the smartest thing they could do. It would be the first REAL spending cuts they GOP has accomplished in decades.