Geller is serious loonytunes.
She’s gone after the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) for their ‘ties to Islamic terror’. She also attacked Rick Perry for ‘being secretly pro-Shariah’.
And if I remember correctly, she also believes Obama is Malcolm X’s b*stard son.
Paranoia often can accompany one’s being a target of the left.I agree with you.But she is a canary in a cage.If Bernadette Dorn and Bill Ayers have free speech rights, so does Geller.
I see no harm in her speaking at the Hyatt, which has sided with the Islamofascists as an organization.She does have exactly the right basic approach to stopping the conquest of the West by creeping sharia, and its political fingers which now invest various parts of our military and Obama’s administration.Two of Obama’s advisors are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the fascist organization which trucked with Hitler and which now binds the international sharia movement across the globe.
Geller is correct in her stand, even if she is improperly paranoid in her manifestation.
Since I have found your previous posts lacking in real verification, I really can not consider this latest post of yours with any seriousness.
I do my best to always seek the truth, so please provide links from reputable sources to back up your comments concerning Pamela Geller. Thanks!