I want every gop candidate not pushing this to drop out of race.
If they are not bothered by this, they should never be president
I don’t know what else the media could want from this. There is a smoking gun in Holder’s hands.
we have this, the green energy scam pay back companies, DADT now being used for getting rid of DOMA, illegals votes in the last election, DOJ officials saying there is a racist element towards whites and Christians while ignoring illegals the list is endless and it would be nice to see a republican on live camera on a network turn around to the media and say why do you ask me such meaningless questions when we have the Govt selling guns to cartels of which have been used to kill our border agents.
Calderon said in front of congress that the guns come from America and the elft agreed saying there has to be more laws but since we find this out the left shuts up the media runs away and the GOP stay silent.
>I want every gop candidate not pushing this to drop out of race.
If they are not bothered by this, they should never be president<
my thoughts ..
I agree. one hundred percent Good “litmus” test for real patriots. Don’t want them if they don’t..