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For Listeria victims, sudden turns for the worse
AP via Yahoo ^ | October 1, 2011 | Dan Elliott

Posted on 10/01/2011 10:41:45 PM PDT by FreedomNotSafety

DENVER (AP) — Charles Palmer is a hardy 71-year-old former Marine and Vietnam veteran who trains cockatiels to say "Semper Fi" and "Whatcha doin', man?" He also loves fruit — and especially melon for lunch. "He's never one to get sick," said his wife, Tammie. The Colorado Springs man ate a cantaloupe that was purchased in mid-August, his wife said. Within several days, he was overcome by an excruciating headache. The next morning he was extremely weak and gripped by dry heaves, his wife recalled. "I started slapping his face and saying, 'You've got to talk to me,' but he couldn't," she said. She called 911. At the hospital, she said, he was diagnosed with the strain of Listeria blamed for a 19-state outbreak that has killed at least 15 and sickened at least 84.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: be4itwuzgreenonions; be4itwuzlettuce; browningamerica; donteatcantalope; donteatyellowsnow; eatamangoinstead; green; greenenergy; greenhandspingeroo; listeria; manurethread; mediasilence; mexicansgonewild; moochellesgarden; noteasy2eatgreenshlt; numero2; organic; thisisalottacrapola; wasthiscrapnecessary
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Comment #61 Removed by Moderator

To: JRandomFreeper
Human excrement is very dangerous. Cow patties, not so much.

I beg to differ. Cows can have E. coli O157:H7 growing in their gut without ill effect, since they have no receptors for the shiga-like toxin. I'm not sure if the same holds true for other hemorrhagic strains of E. coli. But I would stay away from fresh cow poop.

In reference to some of your other posts, I thought that all produce was supposed to be washed in diluted bleach right after picking?

62 posted on 10/02/2011 1:37:59 AM PDT by exDemMom (Now that I've finally accepted that I'm living a bad hair life, I'm more at peace with the world.)
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To: patlin
I had a child die for absolutely no reason at age 3 mths. The medical people called it SIDS,

Interesting because my sister had a six week old baby die of what they called SIDS and another friend about 10 yrs later. I believe that is what it was and not cancer. Went in for a nap and never really woke up - was to the doctor the day before and everything was great. But my sister and the friend never had cancer then or 30 years later and both had another child after that. So there is no way their babies had cancer nor was were they on whole foods yet either. I don't hear anymore about SIDS death - maybe they still occur, not sure. I would be more concerned what they put in those vaccines they give babies. There is no reason they can't wait until the baby is older to give them the vaccines. Do they give us a label telling us exactly what is in the vaccine and where they got it from? Like barrycare - pass it and then we will read what's in it.
63 posted on 10/02/2011 1:40:51 AM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: presently no screen name

SIDS does still occur, and I don’t think any reason for it is known, even now.

People are warned to place babies on their backs to sleep, and not to give them a pillow. That apparently helps to decrease the number of SIDS deaths.

Personally, I think a lot of SIDS deaths are the results of some genetic defect that hasn’t been ID’d yet.

64 posted on 10/02/2011 1:50:19 AM PDT by exDemMom (Now that I've finally accepted that I'm living a bad hair life, I'm more at peace with the world.)
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To: JRandomFreeper

Using poop to grow things in a modern world doesn’t make sense. I would never eat organic melons...

65 posted on 10/02/2011 2:00:45 AM PDT by GOPJ (Bibi would go toe to toe with the devil if it was the only way to save his beloved Israel.)
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To: presently no screen name
Anyone who has eaten pork or other critters that YHVH deemed as unclean has cancer cells in them or passed them through the womb. Like I said, most go undetected until it is too late & for some, because of their genetic makeup the cancer never metastasize thus the body dies, but the cancer cells remain alive in the dust that is left of the body. Thus the reason we will get new bodies according to Ezekiel. I never was a big fan of pork, though I used to dine on seafood a few times a year & ate a few bottom feeding fish such as catfish over the course of my youth. It's a pretty disgusting to think I was eating what YHVH created to be nature's vacuum cleaners to rid the soil & water of toxins.

SIDS deaths don't get a lot of coverage anymore but they are still very active and generally occur between late fall and mid spring. Which is ironically the same time period that deaths in children & young adults due to meningitis occur which is also another disease that strikes that they have no answers for. And they all occur right at the time of all the pagan holiday seasons, halloween to easter. I do not think this is coincidence as there is no such thing as coincidence in YHVH’s world. Infants & children, whether baptized are not, are automatically of His kingdom until they come to the age of reason and are able to choose for themselves and thus the reason Scripture says NOT one word about infant baptism but rather, Messiah said “for such is the kingdom of heaven”. Trusting innocence can only be found in those with the mind like a child, thus the reason He calls His people children, not adults, elders, teenagers, etc. As a child completely trusts their parent to provide & protect them, YHVH expects us to trust that He will provide & protect our every need, including our health, thus the instructions for what is food.

66 posted on 10/02/2011 2:08:04 AM PDT by patlin ("Knowledge is a powerful source that is 2nd to none but God" ConstitutionallySpeaking 2011)
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To: dragonblustar
Hogs? .. No Problem
67 posted on 10/02/2011 2:13:53 AM PDT by knarf (I say things that are true ... I have no proof ... but they're true)
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To: exDemMom
SIDS does still occur

Ok. Thanks. Back then she was told a microscopic piece of dust got into the lung. Don't know if that's what they are still pushing as the answer.

People are warned to place babies on their backs to sleep, and not to give them a pillow. That apparently helps to decrease the number of SIDS deaths.

I know they say on their back but it would be harder to cough or expel something on their backs, IMO. Look what it takes to get them to burp. Right, no pillow but I have yet to see an infant with a pillow. Perhaps, some do use them, don't know. BTW, my sister's baby was on her back and my friends was in a carriage on his back. Sure didn't help them. I'll say they are all in the 'guess' mode - amazing no progress has been made on this. But what could anyone expect - the law of the land says babies can be aborted at will so why knock themselves out trying to find a reason to keep any of them alive.
68 posted on 10/02/2011 2:20:10 AM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: patlin

AMEN! Come as little trust in HIM. Children don’t worry if their parents will be there when they cry or concern themselves with ‘I wonder if my parents will feed me tomorrow’ or will I be sitting in a wet diaper tomorrow, maybe I better not pee. ;) They live by ‘fear not’.

But I’m not sold on that eating pork and baby getting cancer. Neither changed their diets - one had two previous births and one after and one had one previous birth and one after. If they ate it before, they ate it during and continued. I don’t eat pork so I’m not trying to defend it - just saying my thoughts and what I know of those two SIDS deaths.

69 posted on 10/02/2011 2:39:54 AM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: presently no screen name
On Health & Holiness by Hezekiyah Haas. Best 12 bucks I ever spent! To think of all the money we could have saved over the past 20 yrs that would have been better spent on charity not to mention the near death experience I had from an allergic reaction to my arthritis medicine that happened when hubby was on the road and I was home alone. Swelling airways is a very frightening ordeal. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

70 posted on 10/02/2011 2:50:33 AM PDT by patlin ("Knowledge is a powerful source that is 2nd to none but God" ConstitutionallySpeaking 2011)
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To: JRandomFreeper

I know not everyone follows the law but they are required to have sanitary facilities.

71 posted on 10/02/2011 3:01:45 AM PDT by tiki
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To: presently no screen name

Wikipedia has a fairly good article on SIDS, if you’re interested.

It offers some detailed explanations, but the bottom line is that medical science still has not figured out what is going on.

When I was a kid, our next door neighbors’ baby died of SIDS. They moved immediately after, no doubt to get away from where they lost their baby.

72 posted on 10/02/2011 3:06:09 AM PDT by exDemMom (Now that I've finally accepted that I'm living a bad hair life, I'm more at peace with the world.)
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To: knarf

good video but if man had not domesticated the pig, there would not be a feral pig problem today. Just another case of man thinking he knows better the Creator.

73 posted on 10/02/2011 3:21:31 AM PDT by patlin ("Knowledge is a powerful source that is 2nd to none but God" ConstitutionallySpeaking 2011)
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To: presently no screen name

click on the iphone link & take a listen:

74 posted on 10/02/2011 3:26:55 AM PDT by patlin ("Knowledge is a powerful source that is 2nd to none but God" ConstitutionallySpeaking 2011)
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To: FreedomNotSafety

“Under USDA organic standards, manure must be subjected to proper thermophilic composting and allowed to reach a sterilizing temperature. If raw animal manure is used, 120 days must pass before the crop is harvested if the final product comes into direct contact with the soil. For products which do not come into direct contact with soil, 90 days must pass prior to harvest.”

75 posted on 10/02/2011 4:11:21 AM PDT by My hearts in London - Everett (Still searching for the new tagline!)
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To: exDemMom

Thanks. I hadn’t thought or heard about SIDS in many many years until, now, when a poster brought it up.

76 posted on 10/02/2011 4:38:20 AM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: JRandomFreeper

Our field hands in Florida are fully legal - usually older black men recruited and bused to the fields from the Skid Row in Jacksonville. Many of them have AIDS, hepatitis, you name it. Their immigration status isn’t the problem, but the lack of sanitary services in the fields. This type of work is probably always going to attract people who are pretty marginal, and many of them will have health problems that involve communicable diseases.

Theoretically, farmers are supposed to provide for hygeine in the fields and most of them do. I think the weak link is in the processing areas.

Incidentally, I read that the “green” bags that are so popular now (reusable grocery bags) are considered one of the prime sources of food contamination. People pick up stuff from the handles of the shopping carts or from other surfaces in the store, get it on the items they put in the bags, and when they reuse these bags, the bags are still harboring bacteria from earlier uses. This then gets onto things like fruit and other unpackaged food. So much for greenie bags.

77 posted on 10/02/2011 5:09:42 AM PDT by livius
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To: HiTech RedNeck

...bleaching after washing is probably overkill.

I have not problem with erroring on the side of caution. I put all fruit, including bananas, in a bleach solution. Also any vegetables that will not be cooked.

If I am away and not able to bleach fruit, I use your method. I will not eat fresh fruit in a restaurant because I am not confident that it has been washed properly.

78 posted on 10/02/2011 5:31:30 AM PDT by Bigg Red (Another Maryland girl for Palin in 2012)
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To: patlin

Could you explain what you said here? :)) “ Pig feces naturally comes liquefied”

Hog manure is not liquid. It’s a “firmish” “TURD”. In fact, it’s less liquid than cow plops (the reason they call them plops) Raised all sorts of animals, hog (turds), cow (plops), chickens (really plops) , goats (pills), horses (balls) , sheep (pills), geese & ducks (now there’s loose poop splats for you)

79 posted on 10/02/2011 5:48:25 AM PDT by gopheraj
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To: JRandomFreeper
The problem is fecal splashing from field hands. And folks not washing their fruit in 50ppm chlorine solution before they cut it.

I wash the tomatoes and vegetables from my own garden that way and with soapy water.

In my little town, every summer the mosquito spraying truck comes by and that crap settles on the tomatoes. I'm told it's not harmful for humans to eat but no thanks anyway.

All produce from the grocery store is treated that way but head lettuce is difficult. I strip the outer layer from that and throw it away.

80 posted on 10/02/2011 6:01:39 AM PDT by Graybeard58
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