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What should the White House do? Panic!
CNN ^ | 09/14/11 | James Carville

Posted on 09/14/2011 10:42:12 PM PDT by DRey

People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: carville; economy; jamescarville; obama; obamanation; panicof2011
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To: DRey

41 posted on 09/14/2011 11:57:03 PM PDT by 11th_VA
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To: DRey
Is not clear whether this is a disguised trial balloon on behalf of Hillary or merely another brain fart from the Cajun. If it is in fact a trial balloon, it is not clear whether it is authorized or not.

Most likely it is an unauthorized trial balloon from Carville. Whether authorized or not, the utterance reveals the disarray within the party and the nonchalance growing in the ranks of the Democratic Party concerning their leader. Obama has lost the power of fear. No president can run the country effectively without the support of his own party and a president can only get the support of his party through carrots and sticks. Carville and the rest of them have lost fear of Obama's stick.

This is an astonishing development in view of the mythology of the Democratic Party concerning race. Obama's immunity to criticism was so complete at the time of his election and for a season thereafter that it even extended past the media and into the ranks of elected Republicans. It certainly extended to defeated Republicans like John McCain. It is important to note that the Obama's election has made at least one contribution to the American experience: if Carville can criticize Obama free from fear of the race card, anyone can and will. This is a momentous inflection point which should not be passed over unremarked.

Never again will America be exploited so blatantly by race.

Expect the disintegration of the Obama edifice to accelerate. Factions will pop up everywhere and many Democratic candidates will begin to run against Obama and, equally important, they will begin to raise funds in competition against Obama. Those who cannot credibly distance themselves from Obama will consider resigning or otherwise withdrawing from their races. Primary fights will break out across the board. The party will be riven between a faction that wants to govern it to the left in the tradition of Lyndon Johnson and a faction on the far left who want to subvert America but whose champion, Barack Obama, has become radioactive. Before the election I posted that one could expect the Democrat party to behave at some point like a pack of ravening wolves who turn on their own and consume them.

Hillary knows that if she runs against the first black president she will have earned the unremitting anger of the single most important voting bloc in the Democrat party and it is inconceivable that she can win the general election in this climate without the black vote.

It is likely that the scandals such as fast and furious or crony capitalism will at last be considered relevant by the mainstream media and the ventilation of scandals beyond talk radio and Glenn Beck will lend respectability to what we conservatives have known or suspected since before the election. Again, the political correctness barricade of race will no longer avail Democrats against truth.

If Hillary does run, what platform could she possibly run on? That the Democrats picked the wrong socialist to implement their socialist policies and that if they had just selected Hillary herself she would have served up the right kind of socialism? The fact is that Hillary will not run because the Democrat brand like Obama himself is becoming radioactive and will remain so until the economy swims out of this mess.

For some time I have feared that a black swan event other than some sort of economic crash leading to spiraling deflation or runaway inflation would give Obama and his crowd an opportunity to win the next election. Clearly, his foreign policy has been so feckless and discredited that the country will not turn to him at the next election even if we are confronted with a serious threat, although he will clearly find support short-term as the country rallies round the flag and its President.

The Congressional special election in New York 9 demonstrates that Obama has lost the support of much of the Jewish community who provide not only money but the intellectual resources which sustain the Democrat party. They have lost confidence in him over Israel and everyone has lost confidence in him over the economy. They will not be around anymore to provide the rationalizations for the advance of statism, socialism, crony capitalism, and fascism disguised by race. They may well come back after this election season but for now they will turn their face from Obama.

All of this is not to say that the Democrats have had an epiphany and will now become Reagan Democrats. They will still be capable of the most tortuous rationalizations of the most bizarre statist policies. But the twin props of the Democrat' s raison d'être for now at least are being removed from under Obama and his party: the race card and Jews with their intellectual and financial contribution.

The question is how many Jews will come home after they sulk? The Democrats lost a percentage after 9/11 as it became more respectable for a Jew to admit to his coreligionists that he might vote Republican. We cannot foretell the extent but it is inevitable that a growing number will find that they cannot go home again.

42 posted on 09/15/2011 1:16:07 AM PDT by nathanbedford ("Attack, repeat, attack!" Bull Halsey)
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To: nathanbedford
I think you raise some very good points. I still think however, that Hillary Clinton will make a run for President. She doesn't need to strategize for the general election. She only needs to strategize for the primary, and she is more than capable of taking it. Everyone else wll fall in line afterwards, like they always do, including Barack Obama and Holder's people.

Whether she's capable of wnning the gereal election, is a whole different story.

Sometimes politics can be very comlicated. Sometimes, it can be very simple.

43 posted on 09/15/2011 1:45:13 AM PDT by csense
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To: okie01

Over a year ago, I predictd a challenge by Kucinich - not a firm prediction, mind you, but a reasonable possiblity.

The little twerp wouldn’t have a chance of winning, but he’s just divorced enough from reality to give it a shot if he saw an opening, and he sure is enamored of his own political views. And the moonbat Left that’s grown disenchanted with BO would love him. Just imagine the tingle down Michael Moore’s leg!

Plus, it would be a lot more pleasant watching little Dennis tote around his wife than the load of baggage Obama’s dealing with.

44 posted on 09/15/2011 1:49:59 AM PDT by Stosh
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To: RitaOK

I am puking with that suggestion and it is only 4:55 am. Please

45 posted on 09/15/2011 1:58:28 AM PDT by DooDahhhh (ma)
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To: DRey

“Mr. President, people are livid. Tell people that you, too, are angry and sickened by the irresponsible actions on Wall Street that caused so much suffering.”

What. An. Idiot.

He’s happy, not angry and sickened. This Cloward-Piven thing is working better than he hoped. This is on purpose. That’s why he doubles down instead of changing.
Once you accept that, everything makes sense. Until you understand that, nothing makes sense.

46 posted on 09/15/2011 2:12:07 AM PDT by Rytas
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To: Explorer89
Why does Carville imply that the Tea Party would have rejoiced (to paraphrase what he said) at the deaths at Stalingrad?

I think he meant that the Tea Partiers are blood-thirsty war lovers, thus they would rejoice at the deaths on both sides at Stalingrad. Yes, liberals do think that way.

47 posted on 09/15/2011 3:02:25 AM PDT by luvbach1 (Stop the destruction in 2012 or continue the decline)
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To: DRey

Who’s in charge?

I think Jarrett runs things and whomever has the number to his Bkackberry. The crazies from come to mind, and Soros.

48 posted on 09/15/2011 3:19:57 AM PDT by Thebaddog (Shakey Jake said, " The hippies will never survive!")
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To: DRey
From James Carville, FIRE people, INDICT people, PANIC!! The Democrats are in so much trouble.

May I suggest to Obama ... "Assume Crash Positions"

49 posted on 09/15/2011 3:39:27 AM PDT by Neidermeyer
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To: DRey
He’s referring to the guy at the Tea Party debate on Monday that yelled out his approval at letting a theoretical person with no health insurance theoretically die.

I'm really sick of that stupid question. The way the candidates should answer that question is something like:

"What concerns me more is a government run health care system that waters down everyone's health insurance down to such a degree that even more people die. Everyone knows the government cannot run anything better than private industry. That is why people in Canada who can afford it come to America for their back and pace maker operations. Who wants to wait 6 months for a procedure that can be scheduled and accomplished in a day in the US "

50 posted on 09/15/2011 3:41:53 AM PDT by HalfFull ("Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" -PHenry)
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To: Lazlo in PA
Hey Jimmy? What happened to the generations of absolute control by the Rats?

Two things about that book:

1.) It was written to appeal to two market segments: ecstatic Dems high on the 2008 Obama victory and ticked off Republicans of the variety that love to hate all things Dem. It made Carville a heck of a lot of money and therefore, from his perspective and that of his publisher, was a complete success.

2.) Having paged through it (no way I'm going to enrich his personal bank account), there was PLENTY of leeway in it for him to step back and say "If only they did what I told them to do". That's assuming also that people would actually remember the book down the road.
51 posted on 09/15/2011 3:49:50 AM PDT by tanknetter
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To: Lazlo in PA
What happened to the generations of absolute control by the Rats?

He's calling for it. That article should be scaring the hell out of readers. Fire & indict? to wit: destroy anyone who is, or may be construed as, in the way of political success. Pour terror into the remaining souls. The Obama had great power, but is wasting it by buying people off instead of scaring them. Make a case & stick to the story? Damn reality, full speed ahead! Never mind the damage wrought, as fixing the economy for success is no fun.

All that's missing is a well timed fire, a night of broken glass (at addresses of joke-submitters), and a few well delivered speeches promising great results thru absolute loyalty. Yup, if the Obama wants to rescue his political career he will have to turn tyrant. Real tyrant.

52 posted on 09/15/2011 4:01:37 AM PDT by ctdonath2 ($1 meals:
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To: DRey

Carville should push Hillary into a primary challenge.

53 posted on 09/15/2011 4:13:47 AM PDT by tips up (Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.)
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“It’s dawning on them that the only hope for 2012 is for Maobama to resign or be impeached.”

JFK moment?
Would not put it past them, with a Tea Party patsy set up and taken out. Holder cover up...

54 posted on 09/15/2011 4:15:24 AM PDT by Gadsden1st
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To: RitaOK
VJ and Daley for sure. I suspect the Wookie gets her two cents in also. We are in deep enough scat already, if Holder is in charge we are truly doomed. That guy is a first order idiot.
55 posted on 09/15/2011 4:21:06 AM PDT by mad_as_he$$ (Come with me if you want to live!)
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To: DRey

George Soros

56 posted on 09/15/2011 4:24:23 AM PDT by bigoil (Study Thy Nixon)
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To: DRey
It is a long, long, long, long, LONG way until November of 2012.

Using the tried and true dem/lib/prog/pop methods - between now and then - ever glimmer, spark, flash, spike, or glow will be caste as "turning the corner" or "see? I told you things were getting better! Now is not the time to change horses in mid-stream", or "the US is on the mend" or other like statements. Couple these with "it's Bush' fault (no, they're not done using this by a long stretch)", "the republicans want to see this country fail", or "the republicans have blocked the way forward" or " the republicans have caused your misery" or other like statements.

51.5% of the populace bought into this crap in '08. the stain's machine has not yet even begun to "buy" votes. They are sitting back watching the repub/rino/conserv/tparty candidates rip each other to shreds, knowing that even the eventual winner will be covered in "mud"; will have at least as much negative bagage as the stain by that time - come the true election season (after May 31, 2012).

Yes indeed! It is a long, long, long, long, long, LONG way until November of 2012.

57 posted on 09/15/2011 4:29:32 AM PDT by Logic n' Reason (The stain must be REMOVED (ERADICATED)....NOW!!)
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To: DRey

But but but Mr. Serpent Head didn’t you say the Democrats would be in power for 40 years after The One won?

58 posted on 09/15/2011 4:38:42 AM PDT by jmaroneps37 (Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
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To: okie01
The RATS have played up the race-card for so many years that they are now stuck with Obumble. In fact, they never had a choice in nominating him the fist time once he got close.

Had they not, they would have lost the American African vote in 2008. No way can they get rid of him now.

If the RATS seeking reelection in Congress try to distance themselves too much from the idiot they created, they too may lose the plantation votes.

Basically, they are screwed.

59 posted on 09/15/2011 5:08:16 AM PDT by Beagle8U (Free Republic -- One stop shopping ....... It's the Conservative Super WalMart for news .)
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To: dupree

“The other day I saw this democrat on TV and after watching her speak I thought to myself, “If she ran for president she could probably get the nomination and be tough to beat. She served as governor of a red state and has foreign affairs experience.”

That person was: Janet Napalitano.”

Did you eat alot of paint chips as a child?

60 posted on 09/15/2011 5:12:10 AM PDT by Beagle8U (Free Republic -- One stop shopping ....... It's the Conservative Super WalMart for news .)
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