My thoughts on the Debate:
Perry - Did exactly what people thought Tim Pawlenty was going to do but never did (attack Romney), and boy did he get in some good shots. Nothing I would see the base upset with from tonight. His mannerisms though need to change. Did you notice his “wide stance”? Also, some of his facial expressions and fidgeting were distracting and looked somewhat of the “Texas arrogance” persona. You can tell the left is scared of him though from the commentary trying to prop up Romney and the whole “Ponzi Scheme” comment which the majority of the country would agree with.
Romney - Hey, he actually had to go on the offensive tonight thanks to Perry. While Perry got some shots in, he failed to deliver that “Fred Thompson” moment (see ‘08 NH Debate) which is the only time I’ve ever seen Romney speechless and on the defense. They both seem content to draw it out. It appears Romney thinks he’s toast in SC but that FL will save him. He’d better rethink that strategy. You can tell he is very worried.
Bachmann - I still like her, but the ride is over ever since Perry got in. She hasn’t advanced any plans, just the same rhetoric (which I do agree with), but that only gets you so far. She needed to transition after the straw poll and failed to do so, and Perry has been gobbling her suppoerters up. Caveat to the Palin folks though: If it comes down to MB supporters ditching her for either Palin or Perry, where do you think they’re going to go? We haven’t forgotten all the hate-threads many of you have started on MB accusing her of being a Romney plant, a fake, etc. When MB bows out, my guess is the bulk of supporters go to
Newt Gingrich - Future Secretary of State, especially if Rick Perry is the nominee.
Herman Cain - Future Secretary of the Treasury or Labor if we are lucky enough. Guy is smart with ideas, but the time to gain traction is running out.
Rick Santorum - Did OK, not sure how long he’s going to stay in this. Also, this is off-topic, but has anybody seen the Fruit of the Loom commercial with the Apple-guy playing guitar? I swear that guy’s face looks exactly like its Santorum.
Jon Huntsman - Dude, get this guy off the stage, what a loser.
Ron Paul - Gandolf needs to go back to hunting Sauron.
I generally agree with your analysis except to say if Bachmann bows out in the face if a Palin candidacy, most of Bachmann’s support will go to Palin.
“Jon Huntsman - Dude, get this guy off the stage, what a loser.”
*cough* Eddie Hascal *cough*
The guy is creepy and patronizing.