As much as I like her, and
As much as I would support her Presidency
She abandoned Leadership
I have heard the arguments
why this should not matter
But they do, and they will
Wishing it away will not help
A sufficient number of voters
will intuitively follow that logic
Another damned troll lib lie...
Well put.
I think that you are correct - she made a major error when she resigned as governor.
>>but because she made an unforced decision to
abandoned the Governorship of Alaska<<
And go on a “reality show.” A STUPID one, at that.
I would vote for her too, but does she not know or care about how that crap looks? Obviously not.
Watch the undefeated. You might gain some insight
You appear to be suffering from unforced ignorance.
This is America, and you are free to be as ignorant as you wish.
It doesn’t rhyme.
I am not quite sure what you mean by “leadership,” unless you mean “office.” Certainly she is one of the leaders of the Tea Party movement.
You sound like a troll but just imagine you owned stock in a corporation and the CEO was being accused by the media and others of corruption. The company was losing millions defending against lawsuits to prove that nothing illegal or improper had taken place. The value of your stock was dropping and the CEO could do nothing to stop the losses except to leave the company in the hands of a very capable assistant while she continued to fight the ongoing lawsuits.
I'm certain you would have complained that the CEO had abandoned the company instead of staying with it while the losses continued to pile up. It was a smart business decision regardless of whether it was a smart political decision. Both Alaska and Palin are in better shape now that the silliness of the left's unfounded attacks on the office of the Governor of Alaska have stopped.
Unforced by what, the law? Every time I hear a Palin hater use that false argument, I automatically know their true motive.
As governor, Palin’s annual salary was $125,000.00. She had to personally pay out of pocket legal defense costs, no matter how frivolous the accusations. When she was “FORCED” to resign, she had accumulated $500,000.00 legal debts, took out a second mortgage on her home and being “FORCED” into bankruptcy. When she set up a legal defense fund, she was “Forced” to disband it when sued for using the term "Governor Palin."
Now if you still say she made an “UNFORCED” decision to resign, then I am “FORCED” to conclude you are not a serious person. Nuff said.
That's horseshit and you know it!
“because she made an unforced decision to
abandoned the Governorship of Alaska”
I would argue that it was FORCED.
And you and the media make a big deal about her quitting as Gov. Doesn’t bother me one bit. She explained it. Over done with, gone.
“A sufficient number of voters
will intuitively follow that logic”
No they won’t. Nobody really cares about this. It’s a straw dog the media put up so they can attack it. Non issue to voters.
I agree with you, though if it came down to a race between Palin and Obama, Palin gets my vote.
Is that supposed to be a limerick? It doesn’t even rhyme.