Let me explain it to her.
Unlike Barack Obama, Rick Perry will know what to do when he gets inside the White House.
Side note: Someone on another thread said Obama was 19 in that picture. And this author says he's 20 in the photo.
So here is one of Perry at 19.
Rick Perry, Corps of Cadets 1969 TX A&M
Hmmm - - . Now which one will the voters choose to lead us out of THE VALLEY OF DEBT ?
“Rick Perry will know what to do when he gets inside the White House.”
You mean like grant all illegal aliens in the country In-State tuition to colleges and give 250 million dollars to a European Socialist each time he builds a race track?
Rick Perry won’t vote “present” once he gets to the
White House. When he says he will come up with plan, it will be a plan, not “some common sense ideas”.
Obama is the ultimate lazy, worthless politician and somehow got to a position where you absolutely cannot be willing to hand off everything to flunkies. Hell, it took him several hours of agonizing to order the SEALs to go after Osama!
Obama be pimp’n “moms, you gots ta go ta werk”
Zero looks like he is auditioning for a role in “Midnight Cowboy.”
For those unawares, Ms. Kasel was for many years a NY Times columnist. Awakening in her midtown NYC apartment the day after the 1968 election, and finding out that Nixon had won, she reportedly told friends..."Nixon won? But that's impossible. I don't know ANYONE who voted for him.."
Also the writer seems to be suggesting that somehow Obama is just “out of context”. Have you not seen all the photos of this “Girlyman”? The Pee Wee Herman comparison to Obama is real close. President “Bunny Hop”? Throwing the opening pitch, like a girl.
If we want a “woman” for president, I'll vote for the real thing, Sarah Palin. If we want a “man” for president, I'll vote for the real thing, Rick Perry. (Actually, now that I think about it, Sarah Palin is more of a man than Obama is. While being way more of a woman than Michelle Obabam is.)
I digress.
I won't vote for an effeminate man (Barack Obama) as some sort of compromise. The presidency is a TOUGH job. Not the place for some mamby pamby, wishy washy, squishy squashy, girlyman.
And THEN we have Obama’s Marxist policies.
Anyway a picture is worth a thousand words and this side by side is worth a TRILLIONS.
The thing that this ignorant b***ch doesn’t get is they both had choices. Obama chose the pictured avenue displayed, as did Perry
Barack Hussein could have been standing in a flight suit next to a jet fighter but he rather chose at that point in his life to do a bad Bahama Jack imitation.
And guess what, the mentality hasn’t changed
Obuggery looks like a pimp from a cheap New Orleans whorehouse.
Does it really take a side-by-side comparison of photos to know that “gangsta politics” hasn’t worked? I guess if someone needs visual aides, that works. Sadly, the majority of Americans (and I’m talking a bi-partisan mix) have realized by now that the loser on the right has been one of the worst things to happen to this country in a long time.
Does it really take a side-by-side comparison of photos to know that “gangsta politics” hasn’t worked? I guess if someone needs visual aides, that works. Sadly, the majority of Americans (and I’m talking a bi-partisan mix) have realized by now that the loser on the right has been one of the worst things to happen to this country in a long time.
All they have to say is something like “early 20s” ot “after high school graduation” and not dwell on exact age minutia.
That picture is only worth two words:
Man, Boy.
The Patriot and the Pimp
What can we learn upon analyzing this photo?
Rick Perry’s nose is the same.
Barry had a different nose. (plastic surgery to make his less....obvious)?
Well, I guess it means that now we need a whole series of posters, showing comparisons at all different ages including the present.
Might want to use other candidates as well. In that Anybody Buy Obama 2012 theme.
Wait a minute, That's probably because they all are stoned losers.