Posted on 08/16/2011 1:23:16 PM PDT by presidio9
The correct response is...”With all due respect, Kathy, why don’t you go eff yourself...”
This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.
Sounds to me like Michelle Bachman was being funny if the story is even true.
This is classic leftist delusion. To them, anyone not a leftist must be stupid.....incredibly stupid. Thus, the endless "(fill in the blank) Republican candidate is an idiot" jokes and sneering commentary. Har, har, har. Fortunately, people such as Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are on TV often enough to dispel the lie that they are 'stupid'. Instead, anyone can see the grating, blatently self-serving arrogance of the leftists that think only they are 'the smart people' Yeah, right.
I love how this Hollywood “D” list chumps feel like they can give the rest of us political advice or call people bigots for not supporting their crazy causes, if their cause and political advice is so great for the masses, why don’t they give up the Hollywood life and come to Washington and fix what they claim is broken?
...unlike Kathy, who’s neither.
It is not bigoted to think that something is morally wrong, and take a stand against it. This does not mean that you hate homosexuals. It does not mean you want to see them persecuted.
The two options provided under the question required the responding party to admit they are a bigot. In a few moments on an escalator you can’t explain this in detail, so Bachmann declined to state.
It’s like asking someone if they’ve stopped beating their wife. If you say no, you’re supposedly still doing it. If you say yes, you’re admitting you once did it.
Kathy Griffin is capable of being funny. Sadly, she is foul mouthed and vulgar. Her twisted sense of what is right and wrong, causes her to be very offensive to some people and even more so to those who think homosexuality is wrong.
Most people who think homosexuality is wrong, are not incapable of being nice to them in a social setting. My wife and I have a homosexual couple that we like a great deal. We know others that we don’t socialize with nearly as much, but we don’t go out of our way to be disrespectful to them. If touchy subjects come up, I try to respectfully say what my true beliefs are, and they seem to respectfully disagree.
That’s a dynamic that Kathy Griffin hasn’t matured enough to grasp yet. I’m not convinced she ever will.
There is more to this issue than what meets the eye. Granting full equal rights to homosexuals in everyday public settings, means that the Left is free to indoctrinate children in grade school.
For that reason, it’s still a problem for many of us to accept homosexual marriage. Teaching little John and Jane that poking things in holes at their age is never acceptable, much less when we’re talking about two men.
Get a grip Griffen. Many homosexual understand this concept quite well. It’s only the activists that are trying to force this on our children. It IS NOT bigoted to object. It’s is sane and very important to OBJECT LOUDLY.
“Bigot” is the new HERETIC!!!
Liberals are always on a witch-hunt, looking for someone to burn at the stake.
What an idiotic piece.
Guess she would consider me a bigot. Must be great to be able to redefine terms as the libs and RINOs do so very glibly.
“Which is why, of course, I love Kathy Griffin. And I especially love her take on Michele Bachmann:”
Has Griffin suggested her black friends should gang rape her yet?
Bigot = someone who disagrees with Griffith
What a little Fascist
I’m noticing you on a lot of threads today Fred. One would think that you’ve been here long enough to realize that your time would be more effectively spent sharing positive messages about the candidate you do support rather than searching for negatives on all those you don’t.
barack hussein obama attended a racist, anti-Semitic church for over 20 years.....argument over.
Kathy Griffen said both of Scott Brown's daughters are prostitutes.
I don't believe any of this story other than that Kathy Griffen stalked Michelle Bachmann to ask her pro homosexual questions and to ridicule her.
Kathy Griffen is an ugly, lying skank and nothing she says should be taken seriously.
FYI, the story is a fabrication. Griffin’s “jokes” are mostly “I ran into so-and-so and here is what happened.” Its all made up.
Who said she stopped?
I hate to give her the benefit of attention, but I wonder, does it matter to Griffin that Obama (officially) opposes gay marriage, too?
Yep, that would have been a better reply.
“as a puppet for the GOP, she’s not in the habit of saying words that somebody else didn’t write for her first.”
At least she didn’t need totus to answer the ???.
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