“Donald Trump says hes intrigued by a Rick Perry presidential candidacy”
Intrigued by shiny objects, too. AND great hair and an empty suit? The Donald is quite a man.
Pa pa pa PIMPIN fer Perry...
I don’t know what you see in this guy. He’s a flip-flopper on Abortion and Gay Marriage (states vs federal control). He doesn’t appear to have deep core beliefs (1988 Gore Texas campaign chairman). Perry changed to Republican in 1989 when it became politically convenient after the Dukakis debacle in 1988.
Another quitter.
Translation: If Romney gets the nomination Trump will run and guarantee a 2nd Obama term.
Donald Trump, intrigued by a Harry Reid presidential candidacy too.
And I am bored to muther’ scratchin’ TEARS by Trump and all his shit!
Leaders of Perrys fundraising operation sent information on how to raise money for a presidential campaign to potential bundlers the people who will be tasked with raising hundreds of thousands or dollars, or more, from their friends and business associates. For example, the guidelines included an explanation of the $2,500 per-person limit on donations to Perrys campaign for the Republican nomination, according to numerous sources familiar with the instructions.
Sending information to bundlers is not the same as raising money. But its another sign of what has become fairly obvious, which is that Perry will announce for the Republican presidential nomination very soon. Sensing that momentum is on his side, Perrys team wants a quick show of force as soon as he enters the campaign ...
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60848.html#ixzz1USypRM3M
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is expected to announce his presidential plans shortly after the Ames Straw Poll this coming weekend, and his supporters are already soliciting contributions for the campaign, according to an e-mail from a Perry supporter.
The e-mail from Gene Powell, a real-estate executive who Perry appointed to the University of Texas board of regents, states, We expect that announcement in a week to ten days and tells people to start writing checks today.
Love your Perry articles........I think I’m warming up to the idea. :)
Rick Perry is just what we need right now. His strong state's independence / anti-federal government stand and policies are SO unlike the Obama socialist administration and unlike most national politicians in recent years. That is why I think many people don't "get" Rick Perry yet. He is not like what they are used to in today's national politics.
By the way, did you know that after speaking with Rick Perry about what Texas does for small businesses, that Glenn Beck decided to put his new internet / TV adventure (about 150 employees to start, I think) in Texas and is personally moving to a Dallas, TX suburb?
Yes, I would really like to see if Governor Perry can get what he has done for Texas transferred to the national level!
Perry could be a formidable candidate. If he declares, I’ll switch to him from a fairly weak Bachmann run.
Don’t be fooled by the shiny boots, or infatuated by the slick hair. Especially don’t be fooled by a former dim who was the campaign chair in Texas for Al Gore. What idiot would do that? Now he thinks he can be the GOP nominee?
Sadly, in the world of GOP these days, he has a shot. But I wouldn’t give him a nickel for any of his multi thousand dollar boots supplied him by his loyal lobbyists. Anyone who does, hasn’t vetted him proper.
I find him as obnoxious as Jimmy Swaggart in drag.