Posted on 07/30/2011 11:10:18 AM PDT by Phil Harmonic
Except for a few intrepid news and opinion outlets, plus Navy Times, a respected military newspaper, a cone of liberal silence descended around shocking news that a Silver Star medal for gallantry was yanked from a high-ranking Navy officer back in August 2010. No why is given; it is shrouded in the mist of military bureaucracy.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Intense stuff. This guy almost got Kerry elected.
Buzzards of a feather stick together...the POS will get off the “truth” hook because Kerry will run interference for him, bet on it.
Response: Probably pictures of grown men copulating per anum with twelve year old boys.
Maybe other commendations need to be investigated...?
As Mr. Worf would say, “this man has no honor”.
“Buzzards of a feather stick together...the POS will get off the truth hook because Kerry will run interference for him, bet on it.”
But obviously there are civilians that have pieces of the puzzle and I suspect they don’t like Kerry (or clown would still have his medal). I suspect they’ll start showing up.
Gary Larson needs to get a clue.
No argument here on that particular point.
What’s the matter with Navy Times?
June 1, 2008 — Swift Vets and POWs for Truth has formally disbanded and ceased all operations as of May 31, 2008. will continue to be maintained for historical purposes only by New American Media Online Services
I’ll bet this creep is wondering why Kerry didn’t lie for him after he lied for kerry. No honor among thieves and frauds.
That would not result in revocation of a Silver Star. What happens in the combat arena, stays in combat arena.
Thus, Duke Cunningham still has his Navy Cross even though he lives in a Federal prison.
The revocation of the Silver Star means that it was obtained under fraudulent circumstances. What he allegedly did to merit a Silver Star was exaggerated or was an outright lie.
The online "Navy Times" is, I believe, now under the management of "" which, itself as I recall, came under control (believe it or not) of the "darkside" some time ago. Wade Sanders was a frequent and featured contributor to "". The online "Navy Times" apparently elected to scuttle any presentation of the story (which appeared in the July 18th print version on or about July 12) and only presented it online after the revocation story was broken by a post in the Swift Vet forum, in turn picked up by "American Thinker", then DRUDGE and Politico...all noting the absence of the story on "Navy Times" online. At that point, they were compelled to post it online.
The recipient was a bald faced liar?
“Just a hair split but isn’t connected to the Navy which is ran by Gannett.”
Thanks for the clarification. In the final analysis, control by Gannet provides the same rationale for suppression of the online story. Without someone holding the Navy’s feet to the fire, this will be yet another leftist abomination swept under the nearest convenient rug.
Navy Times is a not as respected as this columnist thinks it is. We have always considered the reporting to be liberal and the paper closer to a tabloid at times.
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