In my state the elederly can NEVER have their property taxes raise EVER... they are fixed at whatever they were when they turned 65. Quirks like this for certain “special” groups are contributing greatly to the problem.
This is the kind of nonsense that needs to end. Why should the elderly only a fraction of what everyone else is paying in property taxes?
because those over 65 have a limited range of options to earn money and may not have money saved away. yes, yes, I know there are many who spent all their money on fun when they had it, but they have limited options now. I’m not advocating all the special interest advantages for them, not even most, I’m just saying they have disadvantages a 33 year old doesn’t...
because when taxes inexorably go up, elderly people (over 65) can’t go out and get a better job or a second job to pay them
It’s a humane social policy that keeps a lot of seniors in their own homes instead of evicting them. Not “nonsense”
Besides, what is the “fair share” of someone age 65 and above? in my experience a major thing that drives up property taxes is muppies demanding new schools, more teachers, more parks, public rec centers.
You want em, you pay for em. Once you retire, your civic obligation to OPK (other people’s kids) is not eliminated, but is reduced. You have paid property taxes for 40 years or more.
Given this economy, the retort to seniors “then sell your house an move if you can’t afford the taxes” has become almost unfeasible in the past several years. What is the house worth? Who is buying? Where do seniors go if their kids and grandkids are close by and they cant afford to live here?? Rents are as high or higher than house expenses.
Like it or not, human body parts do start to fail when you hit 65. Is this the future?
So do you agree with a city being able to raise property taxes to the point where they force a retiree out of thier home? This came close to happening in Indiana, the property taxes were growing so fast that even those that had planned well for retirement were being forced to sell due to not being able to affored the increases. Thankfully Indiana fixed the problem.
As a conservative, I think property taxes are unconstitutional due to you never truely own your property. The government demands you to pay every year or else they take it from you.
Property taxes are nothing but government theft. If you own the property why should you have to pay the goverment just to live there, your are nothing but a serf.
Because the state doesn't want a bunch of old people taxed out of their homes because their earning power has stopped.
Just be patient, you'll get old one day too.
“In my state the elederly can NEVER have their property taxes raise EVER... they are fixed at whatever they were when they turned 65. Quirks like this for certain special groups are contributing greatly to the problem.
This is the kind of nonsense that needs to end. Why should the elderly only a fraction of what everyone else is paying in property taxes?”
OK, I’ll bite.
On the one hand, we want retirees to accept a lower level of income. They are probably going to HAVE TO accept a lower level of income. This includes ordinary (non-public-employee) retirees (who live on Social Security, perhaps with a little savings) as well.
All well and good.
But then, you expect these same people — whose income is being reduced — to pay MORE each year in property taxes?
Let me ask a simple (and admittedly stupid question) - and I’m going to say quite frankly that I don’t expect a direct answer from you in return:
Where do you suggest these older folks (many who are past being able to work again) to get the money?
Just askin’...
In CA, before Prop 13, folks young and old were being taxed out of their homes.
There comes a point where a person’s income just can’t keep up with the demands (taxes) of local governments.
Prop 13 helped fix this by placing a very strict limit on how much the property taxes can go up each year. Trust me, they go up every year.
Don’t misunderstand, I’m no proponent of gov’t thievery (taxes), but they’re not going away anytime soon.
Those that are placing the most demand on the “services” of a particular area, should be paying the most.
Seniors have already paid their part, IMO, they are due for a reduction.