or mouse chases cat?
My take on dealing with the TSA is to ask the dummy on the front line why they do this perverse job. Do they enjoy feeling people up? Do they enjoy denigrating compliant people and fear the agitated minority and muslim? Push them at their job until they snap and do acts easily prosecuted in court and embarassing in the news. Passive resistance needs to start. Spit on the journalists that don’t report the truth. The TSA will try to charge people but no jury is going to convict the compliant asking questions. Enough of the passive resistance and the bureaurcrats will fold. We are dealing with American bureacrats. The Ghandi tactic will work on them. Start talking to your TSA grouper. Think it through carefully.
They can grope us, but if we grope them, it's a felony. Something is wrong with this picture. My screen is all snow. I can't find the right spot for the signal. But I was able to find the answer in my pocket Constitution. The TSA has no Constitutional authority to feel our privates.
“Mihamae now faces a felony count of abuse.
According to court records, she lives in Longmont, Colorado and is self-employed.”
Mihamae wa tittytwista shimashita!
I’d have paid good money to have seen that. :)
Grabbing a tit is a felony?
What kind of insanity is that?
Tea Party ***** Twister?
I like you, Yakuri, you’ve got BALLS!
And you’re a great American too!
how low can we go? how fast can we get there?
Sweet ping!
This is an act of Civil Disobedience. And she will use a constitutional defence,that her rights to be secure in her person against unreasonable search and seizure were about to be violated.
We will be hearing a lot more about this woman.
Atta Go Mihamae-san!