those of us who have had snakes find your attitude quite annoying.
Its called mind reading kid
I doubt if you have the consensus of all snake owners
and personally, I feel that people who keep dangerous wild animals around little children to be abusive and careless...
Again with the ignorance! If you had ever kept snakes or been a part of the community you would realize that A) People screaming SNAKES ARE BAD!! YOU NEED TO FEED THEM EVERY DAY!!! YOU KEEP WILD ANIMALS OMGZ!!! can be extremely irritating. 99% of the snake community would agree. B) Snakes PROPERLY KEPT are harmless, even if they are venemous (But you must always follow a set of rules and never deviate or you will put yourself and other in danger).
The vast majority of constrictor snakes are harmless. My roommate has a Burmese Python and the thing is as sweet as can be for a snake. Just sits on your lap, watches tv and “talks” to you. Granted, it’s huge but my roommate is a very experienced keeper with the proper setup (Herpstat, Radiant heat Panel, etc) and guess what? He feeds it a bunny every 2 weeks! If he wished he could up the prey size and only feed it every 4-6 weeks or up it further and only feed it every 6 months.
Thirdly, snakes make excellent pets around kids provided one isn’t stupid as is the case with all pets such as dogs, cats, etc.
Please do not judge the majority for what an idiotic minority may do.
Snakes are no more dangerous than any other animal and in many ways are less dangerous than most. An eight foot snake would never be able to eat two-year-old child. For those of us familiar with snakes, the whole story is hard to believe. These people dealt drugs and had long criminal records. The snake wasn't what put the child in danger. The child was in danger from the irresponsible adults in the child's life.