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This mandatory racist and sexist group terrorism at colleges is flat-out evil. It utterly destroys sanity and honesty in students when they are the most vulnerable, just starting college. It’s designed to do one thing: create a permanent slave class of absolutely terrified people permanantly obedient to the control of the communist group.
This sh!t makes me smolder like few other things. Those behind this ongoing conscience raping need to be...
Sounds like something right out of Mao Tse Tung’s “Little Red Book”.
See ...
See also
The quality of education at any of these jokes of higher education is inversely proportional to the amount of time spent with these cretin-inspired injections of sewage.
There is a solution: simply cut funding for any and all public institutions that perpetrate this garbage.
Let ‘em wail. What else can they do? Really?
Name one thing a lib arts prof could do that anyone would pay for.
I wonder, with so many older people going back to school these days, if these thugs will be able to get away with these tactics for much longer. I would love for one of these no nothings to try to tell me what I am really thinking deep down.