Posted on 07/05/2011 7:27:58 AM PDT by freebird5850
Morning all, didn't see a thread for today so I created one.
For a solid month you are searching for the babysitter and finally find her. She has been on vacation and says someone else took the child but all phone numbers, all leads, the ENTIRE story she tells is a lie, a provable lie.
The trunk of your babysitters car smells horrible - many people with experience claim it smells like a body was there. A hair from your child is found with the banding that shows during decomposition. You can't prove there was a body, but there are signs indicating there was. The entire state is searching for your child and finally, months later finds that child in a swamp, wrapped in a blanket you had left with the babysitter, AND there is a specific brand of duct tape inside that bag, appearing to look like it was across the face of your child.
Now, tell me the babysitter should walk free. That you would accept the babysitter had nothing to do with the death of your child.
Unfortunately, and classically, the sign of a pathological liar is that they lie when there is no reason to do so. They have no ability to differentiate between telling a truth and a lie. In their lies, there is often a grain of truth, but they build a made up story around it. They purposely muddy up the waters so that they can never be accused of anything, let alone something as grave as murder.
Having lived with a pathological liar, who was also a narcissist, I know that it is impossible to explain their reasons for lying other than to say it is a mental dysfunction. Half the time they don't even realize they are lying. They just say what comes into their mind at the time to achieve whatever goal they have at the moment.
When confronted with their lies they often become very confrontational. If they suspect anyone of lying to or about them, they go ballistic. Casey Anthony displays all the signs of the most severe case of being a pathological liar and a narcissist. But, in the murder of her daughter...she was not proved guilty...because the defense just could not put her at the scene, with the murder weapon (tape/chloroform) and at the time of her death.
I think the investigators did not strongly and deeply enough follow the trail of how that child died, which I believe was truly an "accident" as Casey claimed. It is my feeling Caylee's death took place when Casey took her to be used in a very immoral way as described by that woman, Wendy. I think there is a ring of perverted people engaged in sexual use of children in the area and that Casey is hooked up with them in some way and has made money from offering her daughter. Chloroform and duct tape were probably used on Caylee to keep her quiet, and from remembering the horrid experience. Too much chloroform, or long enough covering of duct tape to stop her breathing, could have resulted in her death...and, Casey described it as a "accident."
Not wanting her parents or anyone to know of her activities in pimping out her daughter for such perverted benefit...she did not mention Caylee's absence to her parents for a month, and then made up a variety of stories. Anything but the truth. Long enough for the body of her daughter to decompose in the plastic bag in the swamp. Once fully decomposed...the evidence of any sexual abuse was gone. Now she can say she did not actually "murder" her daughter, and in actuality she is not lying. And because the investigators never pursued anything other than finding or proving Casey guilty of murder, the real story of how Caylee died will never be known unless someone else who was involved in pimping out children speaks up.
Had the police pursued that possibility...had they worked to find an underground ring of perverts who pimp children, use chloroform to keep them from remembering, and duct tape to keep them quiet...I think the charges against Casey for Child Endangerment, Accessory to a Crime, Child Abuse, and similar could have been brought and Casey would have been found guilty.
My apologies. You are a hysterical hand-wringer. Better?
No doubt. They are now starting to blame the jury for God’s sake. They have as many mental problems as Casey.
Lots of people dye their hair and grow a beard - that would be a defense attorneys first comment. That doesn’t prove anything.
That is a low thing to say to someone, just because you disagree. Wow.
At least I have moved on from my youth...much better than staying stuck on stupid and not being able to have a cogent , logical response!
Yes, juries are sometimes wrong, and yes, our system sometimes allows to let the guilty go free....THAT is why we are not a police state or dictated by mob rule.
Yes, I love our judicial tis the BEST in the world, even with all its flaws.
Sorry to see so many freeprs who are ready to throw our judicial system out...Wow, real conservatives. We are a nation of laws , not the mob. the days of grabbing someone we thought was guilty and stringing them up by a possee are long gone.
Five guys... (scared out of their wits I’m guessing)
1. Hear no evil
2. See no evil
3. Speak no evil
4. Cover the family jewels
5. Keep your ass on a chair, or stand with your back to a wall.
Talk about your small group of eunuchs.
Good points.
No remorse for the dead 2 year old. In my opinion, they know Casy's guilty, too. Sure, they did their job well, but I don't think celebrating all this is called for. The cute little girl is still dead, and justice was not served.
They have no conscience. Maybe that comes with the job.
ughhhh...excuse me....the prosecution lost this wasn’t the judges case to lose.....he is an impartial arbitrator for the parties.......
“Who says you cant vote on your gut? “
The judge. The oath you took as a juror. If your word is worthless, you can vote your gut.
Cry me a river.
The jury ignored ALL EVIDENCE that Casey was involved at all in the death of Caylee!!!
He was part of the team and even said at sidebar he wanted a conviction. All he got was lying and he will max it out. He just threw the verdict paperwork at the clerk. I wonder if he had to go buy an extra bottle of whatever pills he pops all day? The jury saved him from a reversal on appeal for allowing all the horrible forensic evidence and trying to hinder the defense. I think the jury saw through him.
Well, golly...they should have just contacted the Freeprs here who know all..ha.
No wonder the ‘not guilty’ verdict..they sound like a bunch of Obot libs with no values,morals or common sense! It all makes perfect sense now. Now we know how this country got a sociopath potus too.
Heaven help us!
Or maybe they are afraid for their lives, afraid of ‘mob rule” convicting them.
there hasn’t been a lot of respect for the jury here on Freep...a conservative site that is dedicated to the constitution.
The Police fear for them and advised them to get out of Dodge. The HLN media is inciting their lynch mob.
Yes, she got her Jerry Springer jury!
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