Well Mr Perry, show us that Texan exceptionalism and put the pressure on the Republican Majority Leader in your State to pass the bill that will stop the TSA from molesting our wives and pre-teen daughters!
Perry is the anti Romney...and he also knows global warming is a myth,
Can't be a Conservative if he endorsed Rudy Giuliani.
Given Perry’s fondness for FORCED-Gardasil and OPEN-borders
it is no wonder RINO George Will likes him.
Even though the article is written by Will, Perry should demand a retraction. Nothing from the WAPO.
I wouldn't think that would be too difficult to do considering MA ranks near the bottom in the United States rankings of the states.
All of this means NOTHING if Perry lets big Texas business kill the Sanctuary Cities Bill.
Still waiting to hear from the Perry haters what we should make of Sarah’s wholehearted endorsement and support of Perry as a true conservative.
Mitt Romney, the Republican front-runner, might be easier to elect than to nominate. The reverse might be true of Perry.George Will shows his abysmal stupidity with this remark.
He really thinks Magic Panties has a chance against the DemoMedia Attack Machine? What a fool.
I, among many Texans, know Perry is imperfect.
We also know that all, all without exception, are imperfect.
Those who infect these threads with their venomous fear and loathing of a particular imperfect candidate obviously have an ax to grind, either against that one or for a different imperfect one, or both.
People will tell you that Perry is not a statesman but a typical politician. I will tell you that he is a politician but not in the worst sense of that word, but in the traditionally acceptable sense of that word. As to whether he can rise to a level of statesmanship, that remains to be seen. Often times, the times make the man (or woman). And these are terribly bad times for America.
We must defeat Obama and hold the House and take the Senate.
Let me repeat: we must defeat Obama and hold the House and take the Senate.
I am interested in the most conservative leader - and they must have strong leadership qualities - who has at the same time the ability to defeat Obama and the Democrats and the Media.
That leader might be Rick Perry. Right now, I don’t know who else meets those criteria as well as potentially he does, who at the same time is either announced or on the cusp of it.
Despite his imperfections, the fact that Perry is a politician has its good side. The fact is, he has Tea Party credentials. The Tea Party is not monolithic, so some Tea Partiers love Perry and some hate him. I suspect some haven’t made up their minds yet, and are willing to give him a chance. The politician in Perry will absolutely have to pay attention to the Tea Party. Only the stupid believe that Perry is trying to get in so he can reprise the radical leftism of algore.
Over and over, they say since he once was a Democrat and once supported algore, he’s toast.
It’s like time stopped for them way back when. No, actually time moved on 25 years and situations changed and evolved. Just as it did with the great Ronaldus Magnus. Not only did algore change into a radical leftist when long ago he was not one, but Rick Perry finally let go of his family’s historical Texas Democrat roots and switched parties.
Was he perfect after that? Nope. Neither was Reagan after he switched.
But against Obama and the Dems of today, if it comes down to it, I would pull that lever for Rick Perry.
Or else, goodby America.
Perry has a few good points, and quite a few bad points. But in terms of the credence I give to the byline, George Will outed himself as an elitist, beltway scum, and I’m still hoping an errant baseball will find its way to his forehead.
Millions of illegal aliens wandering around Texas agree!
Recently he was jogging with his dog. Don't know if it is an Urban Myth but a coyote came charging at him and his dog. He shot the coyote dead!
I hope this is true anyway!
He seems to be handling Texas business pretty well and looks darn good in a pair of jeans! Still some wonder why he hasn't fixed the Texas/Mexico Border unless he is showing with his actions that this just might be a gauntlet to federal government to handle Defense. I think this is possible but kind of ch#cken sh#it. Too many police have died in Texas and often it is an illegal who perpetuate multiple crimes.
Somebody should ask George if he trusts Perry with nuclear weapons.
From The Daily Kos:
Sun Jun 26, 2011 at 10:54 AM PDT.
Why Rick Perry is Very Very Scary
If you are not concerned about Perry running on the Texas job creation numbers that the Dallas Fed officially reported, look below the squiggly thing and consider the remarks in a speech to a local Dallas trade group by Richard W. Fischer, President of the Dallas Fed, in which he squarely credits Texas job growth to Perry’s insane, laissez faire Republican agenda of no taxes, no services and no regulation and corporate supremacy in all things.
He’s (Perry) the kind of candidate to whom everyday Americans can relate. He has an abundance of political skills, which explains why this career politician has never lost an election. He is affable, charming and a great campaigner.
Rick Perry is coming. Rick Perry is a sitting Governor in a state that can be portrayed as thriving in an election focused on jobs. the economy and the validity of Republican governing philosophy. Rick Perry will storm to the Republican nomination with his jobs record, political skill and impeccable Tea Party credentials. Rick Perry is playing the ant in a Texas remake of Aesop’s Fable, The Grasshopper and the Ant, but Winter won’t come until after the 2012 election. Rick Perry is very very scary.
If you’re not scared yet, consider these remarks from one of the debunkers of Perry’s economic record who, as a newspaper reporter and columnist in Dallas, knows the Governor very well:
From the Kos forum:
And Perry also has (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:cassandracarolina, LeftOfYou
the bona fides to bring out all of the religious conservative vote in a way that Romney or Pawlenty never could. He’s got enough Huckabee in him.
by Leap Year on Sun Jun 26, 2011 at 12:26:16 PM PDT
Koz readers took a poll:
Rick Perry in 2012?
He’s Bush Lite; no worries.
4% 5 votes
He’s far too extreme for a general election; no worries.
11% 12 votes
He’s a contender, but very beatable.
19% 21 votes
If he runs strong in the Midwest, he’ll be trouble for Obama.
14% 16 votes
Perry is scary; he could win with enough corrupt corporate lies and attacks.
38% 41 votes
Inaugurate him now and save all the trouble.
11% 12 votes
| 107 votes | Vote | Results | Vote