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Don't look for perfection in the potential nominees and don't even think about drafting a third-party candidate when the nomination fight is done.

I will never vote for the bastard Romney, and anyone who tells me otherwise can go to hell!

1 posted on 06/18/2011 8:00:39 AM PDT by rabscuttle385
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To: rabscuttle385

This is easy.

Either the GOP becomes the de facto Tea Party or the GOP goes away and the Tea Party becomes the other major political party in the U.S.

That is all.

27 posted on 06/18/2011 8:33:59 AM PDT by fightinJAG (I am sick of people adding their comments to titles in the title box. Thank you.)
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To: rabscuttle385

In 2010 the establishment GOP had no campaign or message for the mid-terms. If it wasn’t for the Tea Party, the GOP wouldn’t have the House. Also, they went along kicking and screaming all the way when their establishment RINOs went down. They were only too happy to blame the Tea Party for it instead of looking in the mirror.

Then they promptly gave in to Barry at the tail end of last year like the bunch of losers they were.

28 posted on 06/18/2011 8:34:20 AM PDT by headstamp 2 (We live two lives, the life we learn and the life we live with after that.)
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To: rabscuttle385

RINO elitist, establishment Republicans need to recognize that they are, in fact, Democrat Socialists Lite and, just as the socialist policies of the Democrats failed, their policies failed with them. Their ways have been discredited and CLEARLY shown to be false.

They should follow the lead of the Tea Party VALUES. This is not about getting Republicans elected. It is about returning to the values and ethics that made this country great so that we can save our country.

33 posted on 06/18/2011 8:41:33 AM PDT by RatRipper (I'll ride a turtle to work every day before I buy anything from Government Motors.)
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To: rabscuttle385

Dear Haley,

I have some news for you. There’s purity and then there’s total slime. I’m registered GOP but will never in a million years vote for that lying, slimy used-car salesman weasel Romney if he gets the GOP nomination.

In fact, I’m starting to think that I’m inclined to vote for Obama if Romney is nominated. Obama purposefully put us in this economic mess with his rampant and deliberately destructive socialism, as well as all of his other deliberately destructive policies, so I say let Obama finish the job! Let him and his damned Socialist Democrat party own their legacy of destruction forever. Let the people of this country make no mistake about what Democrats are all about and what they really do when they rule. Let there be no excuses!

Because if Romney is elected instead, the country is still going to go down in flames, but the climax of destruction will occur on Romney’s watch, allowing the Marxist media swine to convince the naïve public that it’s all the Republicans’ fault.

However, if Obama were to be re-elected, then in future elections (at least a generation or two), the choices should be clear based on the utter destruction wrought by eight years of Obama and the Socialist Democrats. Hopefully after eight years of economic devastation our people would have learned their lessons and would choose prosperity over tyranny, at least for a while longer.

And what if the people want even more of the Socialist Democrats after eight years of terror and destruction? Then unfortunately for we who work and think and know better, the majority will deserve the government they select. But what about you and I, you say? Well, it would be a good time to start a new country within this country, I think. It would be time to select a few good states and migrate there en masse and take them over at the ballot box. It would be time to go Galt.

39 posted on 06/18/2011 8:47:51 AM PDT by catnipman (Cat Nipman: Made from the right stuff!)
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To: rabscuttle385
Barbour's, "in politics" is telling and highlights the nature of the current battle for American liberty!

"When, in the course of human events. . . ," as our Declaration of Independence asserts, coercive, oppressive government power has exceeded its limits, "We, the People" need statesmen, not "politicians," to articulate, explain, and defend us against the "politicians" of both Parties who have "betrayed the trust committed to them" (See John Adams)

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men." - Samuel Adams
"The framers of the constitution knew human nature as well as we do. They too had lived in dangerous days; they too knew the suffocating influence of orthodoxy and standardized thought. They weighed the compulsions for restrained speech and thought against the abuses of liberty. They chose liberty." - Justice William Douglas
"Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down." - Frederick Douglass
"Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: 'We the people.' 'We the people' tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us. 'We the people' are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which 'We the people' tell the government what it is allowed to do. 'We the people' are free." - Ronald Reagan
"Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them." - Justice Joseph Story
"No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall in defense of the liberties and Constitution of his country." - Daniel Webster
"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world. - Daniel Webster
" "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." - Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin

42 posted on 06/18/2011 8:49:43 AM PDT by loveliberty2
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To: rabscuttle385

The Tea Party owns the GOP now.

The ruling-class RINOs just haven't figured it out yet.

The more likely scenario is the RINOs forming a third-party of RINOs.

45 posted on 06/18/2011 8:50:02 AM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum (If Sarah Palin really was unelectable, state-run media would be begging the GOP to nominate her.)
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To: rabscuttle385
I will never vote for the bastard Romney, and anyone who tells me otherwise can go to hell!

48 posted on 06/18/2011 8:54:49 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Warning: Sarcasm/humor is always engaged. Failure to recognize this may lead to misunderstandings.)
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To: rabscuttle385

The tea party becoming a genuine political party would be the end of the Republican Party. The Republicans would be the third party. If tea party support were removed, there wouldn’t be the Republicans in Congress that there are, and there wouldn’t be the contention these statements represent, because the Republicans would be even deader than they were just prior to November of 2010. They wouldn’t even be in the position they are to potentially betray tea party support, without tea party support.

58 posted on 06/18/2011 9:19:01 AM PDT by OldNewYork
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To: rabscuttle385
Both my son and I worked tirelessly here in NH for the McCain PALIN ticket (Palin was the reason why). Only to have RINO McCain STAB us ALL in the back by walking (not running) a mediocre campaign, refusing to take a stand and tell the truth about Obamessiah while instead PRAISING him. Then after the election, TRASHING conservatives, TRASHING Christians, TRASHING Palin via surrogates and then really running a SLIME campaign against his conservative opponent for the AZ Senate.

I also refuse to work for, submit to or support RINO Romney (Obama light) no matter who his running mate is (Bachman). I am through voting for the lesser of two equally disgusting EVILS masquerading as saviors and "Angels of light".

It is impossible to support Temple Mormon Romney who believes that he is going to become a "god" who is going to live on his own planet. And that he is going to have habitual sex with his "celestial wife" who is going to pump out "spirit children" like the Alien queen in Aliens in order to populate the planet he rules with willing romney bot spirit children worshipers! I do not care how much "business acumen" Romney has ANYONE who believes and promotes this heresy:

demonstrates a TOTAL lack of judgment and discernment and has no right running anything, let alone the country.

If the Republican party wants the support of conservatives they are going to have to EARN it by promoting AND SUPPORTING a CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE. Otherwise, I along with my family and millions of others are going to sit this next election out. Let Obama get reelected, let the country further fall into decay and the hole. When all is said and done the overwhelming mess that is left will be solely laid at the feet of the Marxist, Socialist, Communist, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Capitalist, BLACK RACIST Obamessiah and the Democratic party. They own this mess already and once Obamadeath care kicks in THEY OWN IT ALL.

No more "playing politics" and playing nice with the RINO Republican establishment who does not even have the GUTS to oppose the banning of the incandescent light bulb! If they want our support, if they want to WIN then they are going to have to give us CONSERVATIVE candidates who we can support, instead of the likes of RINO Robomni. And if Bachman does not have the fortitude, guts or decency of standing up against Romney Care when asked SIX times if she thought it was wrong then she is a POSER and does not deserve our support either since she cares more about not offending Romney in order to get a spot on his ticket than she cares about America and protecting and defending the Constitution.

67 posted on 06/18/2011 10:16:46 AM PDT by Jmouse007 (Lord deliver us from evil and from those perpetuating it, in Jesus name, amen.)
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To: rabscuttle385

Haley’s being a douche. He well knows the RINO’s are just as uncompromising as the conservatives in what they want. I’ll back down when they back down, and I’m not the bad guy because I won’t let them run me over.

Yes, you can be too pure. Standing up for principles isn’t being too pure. Nitpicking over insignificant details of executing those principles, or demanding everything now and having no plan to get there is being too pure. Macro v. micro. It’s not to hard to discern when you become so pure you cut off your nose to spite your face. It’s called common sense.

I agree with Haley on no third party. We are a two party system. If that means abolishing the GOP and going with a new party fine, but a third party should be nothing more than a threat and bargaining chip. The ones who genuinely want a third party are usually power hungry narcissists with their own agenda to push.

The Tea Party has it right. Take over the GOP, drive out the RINOs. We’ve made great strides this last election doing that. What people need to do is get up off their lazy asses and work to finish the victory. If anyone can’t see the progress made and is still pushing 3rd party, they need their asses whipped and sent to the closet, because they ain’t out for this country’s best interests.

75 posted on 06/18/2011 10:55:00 AM PDT by Free Vulcan (Vote Republican! You can vote Democrat when you're dead.)
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To: rabscuttle385
"Don't get hung up on purity,"

Is that weasel-speak for "put your principles aside"?

79 posted on 06/18/2011 11:39:48 AM PDT by Washi
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To: rabscuttle385

“Haley Barbour urges Republicans not to let the tea party become a third party”

I urge Haley to tell his establishment buddies to stop screwing conservatives. Then maybe they wouldn’t even think about leaving.

88 posted on 06/18/2011 5:22:56 PM PDT by SharpRightTurn (White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
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To: rabscuttle385

No Romney. NO negotiation.

89 posted on 06/18/2011 5:35:22 PM PDT by Colonel_Flagg ("Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama are not rivals, they're running mates." - Rep. Thaddeus McCotter)
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To: rabscuttle385

Bump for later...

95 posted on 06/19/2011 8:48:50 AM PDT by Grizzled Bear ("Does not play well with others.")
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To: rabscuttle385
Talk about politicians being BOTH "out of touch" and suicidal... Barbour is a great example
100 posted on 06/20/2011 11:45:08 AM PDT by VideoDoctor
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To: rabscuttle385

It’s time for the RINO’s to have to hold their noses and vote for a real conservative... We had to do it last time - holding our noses and voting for McCain. It’s their turn.

107 posted on 06/20/2011 12:55:12 PM PDT by GOPJ (In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. - - Orwell)
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