The whole purpose of Obamacare is to drive the insurance companies out of business and force a single-payer, government run system.
Yep, a scheme known from the beginning. Obama knows companies will ditch their insurance and pay the fine which is cheaper.
“The whole purpose of Obamacare is to drive the insurance companies out of business and force a single-payer, government run system.”
No - it is collusion between the Insurance Companies and the government. AKA, fascism.
At this point, I would be unsuprised to hear that they had discovered a wonderful new product, Zyklon-B.
Of course you are right. In 1994 Newt Gingrich proposed the opposite. He wanted to allow people to take part of their Medicare deductions and put them into either medical savings accounts or buy private insurance. He said that so many people would opt for that plan that Medicare would eventually wither on the vine.
The Democrats and media latched onto that phrase, wither on the vine, and demonized the whole idea as an attempt to "get rid of your Medicare." Of course it was, just as this is an attempt to force universal coverage. To make sure it happens the Obama plan also forces insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions.
That does two things. It forces high costs on the companies for people who have paid nothing into the plan, thereby destroying the actuarial tables on which the rates are determined, and also the reinsurance business. It would also eliminate existing rate payers who would decide to just wait until they needed insurance before they buy it.
It is a brutally simple way to force national healthcare on everyone. It also exposes Obama's lie that you can keep your present policies if you want.