Know your propagandists ping.
We’re seeing the beginning of this again with fictional
“mosque burnings.”
The only church arson I recall in recent years is when somebody torched Sarah Palin’s church in Wassilla, Alaska.
Woman Pleads Guilty to Arson In U.S. Probe of Church Fires
Man Gets 42 1/2 Years for Church Arson
I was just looking at some of the old names on your ping list and thinking about how much I miss the lively discussions that we used to have on FreeRepublic.
Ok, I read the article and it’s amazing how organized they were in the propaganda campaign. So here’s another thought on a possible media manipulation campaign.
We’ve been seeing an anti-Mormon campaign in the media and even on tv, since before the last election, all aimed at stirring up anti-Mormon feelings in the country. Now, who is most stirred up against Romney and his religion? Not the left. The propaganda was aimed at the religious right, the same people who regularly post anti-Mormon threads here on FreeRepublic.
Now, we are already seeing articles, criticizing the religious right for their hypocritical stance on freedom of religion and their fear of Mormonism. Peggy Noonan has one in the WSJ right now. -—and Romney has declared that he will not enter the Iowa straw poll and another early conservative poll. (I forget which one)
Romney scares me to death and not because of his religion. I’ve been warning about this for way too long.
Democrats love scams, be it burning churches, dummy Sarah Palin, global warming, Obama, and economic recovery. Liberal illness is the absence of truth.
'La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur.' - Auguste Escoffier
(Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
There is more and more emerging evidence connecting events such as these fires with a co-ordinated network of subversives that is long established in the U.S.A.
He is also the author of the fascinating book "How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry".
Scott also plays a mean piano accompanied by his own singing....and is also a song writer.
Some of us remember the delight of his entertaining us at the piano for almost an hour in a small ship's salon while we glided over the warm, azure waters of the Caribbean during a freeper fund-raising cruise.
Happy times with wonderful (and multi-talented) freeper shipmates.
I notice there wasn’t any interest from these people when Sarah Palin’s church really was set on fire, while women and children were still inside.