Posted on 05/27/2011 12:08:34 PM PDT by Bokababe
[In Srebrenica] beheadings of Serbian civilians were commonplace, and in some villages the mujahedeen would dynamite homes with the inhabitants trapped inside.
No attempt was made to hide such atrocities. In fact, Gen. Oric would often address the media at the site of the massacres. On one such occasion, while standing in front of mujahedeen displaying decapitated human heads as trophies, Gen. Oric pointed to a smouldering building in ruins and proudly announced to reporters, We blew those Serbs to the moon.
Alija Izetbegovic was also proud to display the fighting prowess of his mujahedeen volunteers. Following a successful attack against Serbian positions around Vozuce on Sept. 10, 1995, the Bosnian president held a televised medal presentation. Mujahedeen warriors had served as the vanguard of the assault force, and were awarded 11 decorations for valour, including the Golden Crescent, Bosnias highest honour.....
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Funny how none of the muslim murderers are being sought for justice.
I almost threw a chair at the tv this morning listening to Weasley Klark on CBS....which I never watch, but my Mom does)...he’s been making the rounds all last night and today
Actually there are considerable numbers of them in American prisons. The Serbian woman I used to date conducted interviews with the animals from all sides.
The Serbs were keeping the Muslim terrorist in check. They had virtually stopped the flow of guns, and drugs until we got involved and stooped the Serbs. Thanks to Bill Clinton we got hit on 9-11!!!!
Odd, I seem to hear about the ICTY going after Bosnians and Croats as well.
That would presuppose some sort of real justice is available. Not a possibility, it would ruin the Muslim victimhood narrative.
True, and unfortunately we end up with a lot of them running lose here in America after a while.
Plus, the Bosnian state issued passports to Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahari, if I remember right. And we fought on their side, if fight is really the right word for bombing Serbia, civilians, factories, etc. until they agreed with Bill Clinton and Mad Albright.
Yes, and this is the Bosnian president, Alija Izetbegovic -- WWII Youth recruiter for Amin al Husseini's Nazi Muslim SS Hanchar Division -- with his 1990's Bosnian Muslim troops. It's worth noting that Bosnia is 3,000 miles away from Saudi Arabia and, prior to the Bosnian wars, no one spoke Arabic.
If you haven’t already, check out Boris Malagurski’s ‘The Weight of Chains’, a Canadian film documenting both Alija’s obstructionism and EU/American plans, schemes, really in Yugoslavia as a whole and Serbia in particular. There could have been a peaceful resolution to Bosnian and Croatian problems. And the Serbian province of Kosovo. And Montenegro. Plus eyes are now on a ‘referendum’ for the Voivodina.
Thanks, Old New York! I know about “The Weight of Chains” but haven’t seen it yet. I have Boris’ other film here, “Kosovo, Can You Imagine?”, and it’s great, but heartbreaking.
No worries - it’s definitely worth watching. It took me a while to get past the smarmy Canadian style of documentary presentation, but the information included is key to understanding and valuable.
The national disgrace continues.
The muslim head-chopper Nasir Oric WAS tried by the ICTY. He got off very lightly, and was ultimately acquitted.
This outcome was pre-ordianed from the beginning.
The ICTY is NOT a real court, but a kangaroo “court” based on New World Order/muslim political goals, NOT rule of law. It—along with the International Criminal “Court”—should be scrapped, and all its prisoners freed.
Don’t forget obama, the instigator of the “Arab” (muslim supremacist, really) Spring.
The national disgrace continues indeed, and is increasing to colossal levels!!!!
And when they behead your own people in the wars, which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.
Slobodan Milosevic, speaking before the Kangaroo Court
"Those turban alluh akbar guys were like killing all those Serbs eh? What a bunch of hosers..."
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