Just pull the plug.
Sounds terminal...let me adjust your pillow, Dr. Kevorkian ;-)
Would be interesting if he winds up having a near-death experience.
Interesting choice of words.
I guess he likes life or he is afraid to see his future in death.
So, just charge him for one of his suicide kits.
May he find the all-healing love of Christ.
I’m still trying to figure out what sort of a doctor lives upstairs of a Chinese restaurant in Royal Oak?
Dr. Kevorkian has been present at the deaths of at least 42 people since 1990. Ms. Monet said the body was the seventh left at Beaumont Hospital by Dr. Kevorkian.
Jack is the author of WHEN THE PEOPLE BUBBLE POPS. Just another liberal who is worried that there are too many people in the world. The death with dignity stuff was all BS. The number one concern of all liberals is that there are too many people that they don’t like in this world and they will do whatever is necessary to not have to see those “other” people on their beaches.