Once you accept that a person has the right to decide to end their own life, you open the door to others’ deciding that the person in question is too deluded or politically incorrect to make the right decision.
>>Once you accept that a person has the right to decide to end their own life, you open the door to others deciding that the person in question is too deluded or politically incorrect to make the right decision.<<
I don’t necessarily buy that premise, but if you follow that logic, it should end with the decision from someone who is NOT in their “right mind” to always be in favor of life.
But it is wrong for the State to unilaterally take away an individual’s decision to end his/her life (so long as it does not take others’ in the process).
But the devil is always in the details.
Once you accept that the state has the right to restrict peoples' decisions about their own lives, you open the door to others deciding whatever the heck they want about your life!