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Democrats Harass Black Woman Legislator for Voting Pro-Life
LifeNews ^
| 05/03/2011
| Steven Ertelt
Posted on 05/04/2011 12:56:04 PM PDT by izzatzo
After debating in favor of a bill that would require ultrasounds before abortions, Democrat leaders openly harassed, threatened and belittled Democratic Rep. Daphnee Campbell.
Freshman State House of Representatives member, Daphne Campbell from Miami was in her first legislative session last week when her own party viciously turned on her after she debated for and voted in favor of the pro-life bill allowing ultrasounds before abortions. Campbell is a wife and mother of five children who works as a nurse. As she rose in passionate support for the pro-life bill, Rep. Scott Randolph a Democrat from Orlando, whose assigned seat is right next to Campbell, started tossing papers on her desk and threw her pen in the trash apparently incensed that a fellow Democrat would support the bill.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: abortion; daphneecampbell; democrats; harass; legislator; molech; moloch; partyofdeath; scottrandolph
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A 'rat with a conscience, can you believe that? Since R v W, we have killed, depending on source, as many as 50 million helpless innocents. Think of the lost human potential in that number-who knows what these souls would have become? Yes some good, some bad. Mindboggling. Abortion, the greatest crime against humanity in human history.
posted on
05/04/2011 12:56:11 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
Liberals- Save the whales. Kill the babies.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:00:41 PM PDT
(2012 - Purge the RINO's.)
To: izzatzo
May the Lord give her strength to fight against her evil party.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:01:34 PM PDT
("Islamophobia: The irrational fear of being beheaded.")
To: izzatzo
Gonna be funny if more and more Dem legislators realize this could be a good career move in a Republican-dominated statehouse.
I know nothing of her district but I assume she did not get elected keeping her faith a secret.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:01:56 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
threw her pen in the trash
You mean the taxpayers pen in the trash. you twit.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:02:06 PM PDT
(Where Has My America Gone?)
To: izzatzo; BlackElk
The MSM is always looking for the next “fiscally conservative/socially “moderate” Republican. Someday someone is gonna figure out that there are seats to be won in cities like Miami and Atlanta and New Orleans and St. Louis and more by Democrats who are fiscally “moderate”/socially “conservative.” It’s better to be a full-fledged conservative of course, but we could perhaps survive as a country better with more Daphne Campbells and fewer Nancy Pelosis.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:02:26 PM PDT
Dr. Sivana
(There is no salvation in politics.)
To: petercooper
Right Rep.
Just in the wrong party.
Who knows? That may change.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:03:34 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
"Several items were thrown in my face, foul language was used against me, and I was insulted and ridiculed in front of all my colleagues. I was called a traitor and was told that I was going to be kicked out of office next year. "
Right off of page 1 of the democratic manifesto...... "Don't debate.....denigrate."
These "people", and I use that term VERY loosely, are the absolute bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth. If anyone deserves to be tossed out, it is them. We would gladly welcome Rep. Daphne Campbell over into the light.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:04:04 PM PDT
(Game On.......Fight Like a Girl!!...............Saracuda in 2012)
To: petercooper
Liberals- Save the whales. Kill the babies.
Liberals - don’t kill murderer Osama just kill millions of babies.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:04:04 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
A 'rat with a conscience, can you believe that? Here's another one, in Maryland, no less. His name is Emmett Burns, and he votes the right way on every social issue. Here's the URL to his spot on the Maryland House of Delegates web site:
To: sinanju
Black Christians have a dilemma because it is supposed to be “good” to vote for democRats, but then this whole abortion thing comes up every once in a while.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:04:25 PM PDT
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter knows whom he's working for)
To: izzatzo
I wonder if these stupid libs realize that since R v W they have shot themselves in foot. We are not producing enough children to pay for their elders’ retirement.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:04:55 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
Liberals really are disgusting. And they are among the least tolerant people on earth.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:05:39 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
It will be interesting to see how the MSM and the leftist apparatchiks attempt to porttray Randolph as the poor beleaguered minority who has more authority to speak on the issue.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:06:10 PM PDT
Dr. Sivana
(There is no salvation in politics.)
To: Dr. Sivana
Many fewer Pelousies, Boxers, Feinsteins, Wasserman-Schultzes, etal.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:06:13 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
===Rep. Scott Randolph a Democrat from Orlando, whose assigned seat is right next to Campbell, started tossing papers on her desk and threw her pen in the trash,...-—
The only difference between Dems and spoiled brat kids is their chronological age.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:09:18 PM PDT
(Those who love liberty love Sarah)
To: izzatzo
Liberals loathe a black man or woman who isn't 100% liberal.
How dare they leave the plantation known as the democRATic party!
posted on
05/04/2011 1:09:52 PM PDT
(5/4/2011 - 10 years today!)
To: Jean2
Good point; but, maybe they are aborting themselves into a permanent minority, that’s the best face I can put on it.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:10:00 PM PDT
To: izzatzo
She done went and strayed off the Rat plantation. So the Rats whip her, not with the bullwhips of old, but with almost equally stinging words.
To: NWFLConservative
The issue is rare that the left can actually stand and debate logically and win.
This is why their arguments, invariably, are not arguments based on the issue, but an appeal to emotion or an ad hominem.
posted on
05/04/2011 1:12:31 PM PDT
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter knows whom he's working for)
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