Posted on 04/22/2011 9:36:39 AM PDT by RaceBannon
COSTCO has admitted to several Islamic groups that their lamb is sacrificed according to Islamic Standards and is fully certified as HALAL meat, something that Christians in the world and Jews in the world need to be aware of.
Below are snoips of the original articles where this information came from
Not even close.
OK. Which method of slaughter is according to Islamic law and which is the menthod of slaughter for the Jewish dietary laws?
1) the jugular vein, carotid artery, esophagus and trachea in a single continuous cutting movement with an unserrated, sharp knife, which is intended to avoid unnecessary pain to the animal.
2)This method of slaughtering animals consists of using a well sharpened knife to make a swift, deep incision that cuts the front of the throat, the carotid artery, wind pipe and jugular veins but leaves the spinal cord intact
“COSTCO has admitted to several Islamic groups that their lamb is sacrificed according to Islamic Standards...”
That mean they raped a child and stoned a woman over the meat before packing it for sale?
My wife loved COSTCO, but a year or so ago when we got their magazine that had a big spread of Al Gore on the cover, she cancelled our membership.
Thank you for this information. A few days ago my wife bought a $33 lamb roast from our local Costco. She was going to cook it tonight. I told her about this post. When she checked the roast, sure enough it had arabic writing on it, indicating halal. She just took it back, got a refund and told the manager why she was returning it. No halal in this house.
“Which method of slaughter is according to Islamic law and which is the menthod of slaughter for the Jewish dietary laws?”
The one that does not involve a sacrifice to the pagan idol in Mecca.
I, as a Christian am instructed to avoid meat sacrificed to idols (like the black rock in mecca) in Acts 15.
The reason, as so aptly explained by Paul had nothing to do with the stupid rock or the demon muslims worship, but to avoid giving credibility to a false religion.
As a Christian, I recogonize Judaism as a true religion, but incomplete.
As a Christian, I recognize Islam as a false relgion, completely.
“If I eat some halal meat, I will indeed appropriately offer it to Allah the next morning.”
I agree that is the most appropriate offering. I checked; my seat in the throne room faces mecca.
May poop be upon allah’s head and piss be upon mohamed head. Many offerings a day.
I tried calling Costco at the number you listed and got put in a loop that kept returning me to the same recorded message. I finally asked to be sent to a department link and found out that their offices are closed today for the holiday. I will make sure to ask them what holiday they were closed for when I call their offices on Monday!
Costco Corporate HQs is (425) 313-8100
I would make sure every time I visit Costco to place a pack of bacon or two among the packages of this stuff.
Now that is funny. You DEFINITELY owe me a new computer. That was so funny.
“beware, you might be eating meat offered to ALLAH!”
Does that make it taste different?
Does it make the meat less nutritious or gratifying?
I eat regular meat and even kosher once in a while, should I stop eating the kosher meat?
I might go for some AHALAL pork. That’s where the hog’s butt is pointed toward Mecca ...
Totally understand.
To me, this is yet another symbol of giving Islam credibility as a religion, which I believe it is not, but rather a political ideology with a religious component.
‘They’ won't be satisfied until the USA is called a Judeo-Christian-Islam country, which has already been seen in some places.
I'm disappointed at some remarks in this thread, giving the Halal Lamb a pass, of sorts.
How many other stores will follow suit, making our shopping very hard if we choose not to buy Halal??
Muslims will not stop until they rule everywhere, and don't seem to mind how long it takes.
E A S T E R + G R E E T I N G S !
He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!
Saying Grace thanks the true God for the meal.
God trumps Satan any day.
Stick with pork and you won’t have to worry :):):)
So the f*** what? Are you afraid of magic words, or something?
I smile whenever I turn over a product and it’s from Israel - whether I’m buying it or not.
Seems there’s Israeli items in our discount stores - - -
(Didn’t CAIR - hate giving THEM any credibility...- or someone threaten Trader Joe’s a while back for carrying an Israeli product)??
Don’t believe Trader Joe’s had to back down -
Y E A ! Thank goodness.
This country pampers Muslims, - I can’t see anything good coming from this.
I’d be more concern about all the beef that goes around that is close to killing people, such as the estimated 50% of beef now being sold from steer feed on anti-biotic.
There are some pretty cruel beheadings online, I don’t want to see them again, nor do I recommend you look them up.
The Muslims are the only one with standing to be offended in a Christian Nation. Ask any warfighter what Christian practices, they are allowed while they defend these people.
Fractal you have no clue what dimmitude is do you, unless of course you are Muslim.
Throwing in blotted out F bombs make you look so much more intelligent. It saddens me to see FR, I occasionally throw in a d@mn out of frustration, but do we really need to sink even lower?
Frankly Scarlet I don’t give a d@mn, 1938, was the camel’s nose under the tent, must we let him in completely?
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