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Obama showcases fuel-saving vehicles
Yahoo ^
| 4/1/11
| Erica Werner - ap
Posted on 04/01/2011 2:16:01 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
LANDOVER, Md. Pressing his energy policy goals, President Barack Obama on Friday prodded large companies to modernize their shipping fleets with more fuel efficient vehicles, improvements that he said would reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil and cut down business overhead costs in the long term.
The president ventured to suburban Maryland and toured a UPS shipping facility, where he examined all-electric as well as hybrid vehicles used by companies such as AT&T, Verizon and PepsiCo. Obama launched a new public-private partnership designed to help large commercial fleets cut back on their diesel and gasoline use.
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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government
KEYWORDS: energy; fuelsaving; obama; showcases; vehicles
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U.S. President Barack Obama walks back to the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, April 1, 2011. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS)
U.S. President Barack Obama arrives to deliver remarks at a UPS shipping facility in Landover, Maryland April 1, 2011. Obama said on Friday he believes U.S. lawmakers are close to a budget deal but warned there is a chance an impasse could lead to a government shutdown. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
posted on
04/01/2011 2:17:59 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Obama: Epic Fail or Bust!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
Some moron decided to buy hybrid SUVs for some fed law enforcement agencies. The electrics only work when you are sitting in traffic for a prolonged period of time and it makes it a real pain to get a useful install of a cop radio.
An extra $10 grand for a crappy vehicle.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:19:30 PM PDT
(sarcasm engaged at all times)
To: NormsRevenge
I have never seen a president Goosestep before.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:20:26 PM PDT
Who knows who Obama is?
his shadow do. U.S. President Barack Obama casts a shadow as he tours a UPS shipping facility in Landover, Maryland April 1, 2011. Obama said on Friday he believes U.S. lawmakers are close to a budget deal but warned there is a chance an impasse could lead to a government shutdown. REUTERS/Jim Young
posted on
04/01/2011 2:22:55 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Obama: Epic Fail or Bust!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
C’mon Barry announce the return of the 55 MPH speed limit.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:23:26 PM PDT
(Democrats...the party of Slavery, Segregation, Sodomy, and Sedition)
To: 11Bush
He has a unique gait.. for sure.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:23:48 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Obama: Epic Fail or Bust!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
I’ve yet to spot any fool driving an electric car, but when I do, I’m going to LOL at him or her.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:23:57 PM PDT
(If you truly support Sarah Palin and want to be on her busy ping list, let me know!)
To: NormsRevenge
What an Idiot! We all know where the majority of electricity comes from to power his Electric Vehicles.
Coal. Natural Gas. Oil powered Electric Generating Plants. Throw in a few Nuclear Plants to the mix.
And the Idiot is shutting down the sources of fuel for these types of plants or refusing to permit building them.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:25:38 PM PDT
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: NormsRevenge
A gait designed to keep up with the Moose?
posted on
04/01/2011 2:27:00 PM PDT
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: onyx
electric? hybrids up the yng yang.. they're all over here.. This one looks more like Tiger, not O.
A man takes picture of a wax figure of U.S. President Barack Obama at the opening of Madame Tussauds in Vienna March 31, 2011. Sixty-three wax figures can be seen from April 1 in Vienna's Madame Tussauds, which is the eleventh branch in the world. REUTERS/Herwig Prammer
posted on
04/01/2011 2:27:00 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Obama: Epic Fail or Bust!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
And this model gets 45 mpg in the city!
To: NormsRevenge
I take it, this didn't make the list?
posted on
04/01/2011 2:32:24 PM PDT
(They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature...)
To: NormsRevenge
Now there’s a message for his supporters.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:33:45 PM PDT
(No! BAD Rich! (What'd I say?))
To: onyx
Have you ever seen someone driving a golf cart? That’s an electric car.
Mt neighbor has one, jokingly I said “Is this one of thos Chevy Volts?” He lifted the seat and showed me 6 full size car batteries. He said they all go bad at once and need replaced at the same time.
Anti-Capitalists are politically opposed to oil because oil is the lifeblood of the American economy.
If solar power was the lifeblood of the American economy they would be opposed to solar power.
It is NOT about the environment or saving energy.
To: RichInOC
It’s a form of transparency , I reckun .. or about as close as we can expect from O.
Just think, We’re looking at 20 months of campaigning and no end to mesmerizing shots like this along the way.. pack extree barf bags. ;-)
posted on
04/01/2011 2:38:17 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Obama: Epic Fail or Bust!!!)
To: reaganator
When I see someone with an Obama sticker on their car, I pull along side of him, roll down the window and with a big smile I say, “Some idiot put an Obama sticker on your car.”
posted on
04/01/2011 2:40:31 PM PDT
(HaveTs you terrorized a terrorist today?)
To: NormsRevenge
U.S. President Barack Obama walks back to the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, April 1, 2011Good April Fools!
We wish.
posted on
04/01/2011 2:55:17 PM PDT
(Kenyan Parliament - how could a man born in Kenya who is not even a native American become the POTUS)
To: steelyourfaith
posted on
04/01/2011 3:01:35 PM PDT
Army Air Corps
(Four fried chickens and a coke)
To: Army Air Corps; Normandy; FreedomPoster; Para-Ord.45; Entrepreneur; tubebender; mmanager; ...
posted on
04/01/2011 3:16:52 PM PDT
("Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." -- Wendell Phillips)
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