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Emails: Insiders worried over political ‘meddling’ (Obama politicizing FOIL requests)
Copyright © 2011, The Daily Record. ^
| Posted: 10:24 am Mon, March 28, 2011
Posted on 03/28/2011 2:41:53 PM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines
since July 2009, career employees were ordered to provide political staffers with information about the people who asked for records such as where they lived and whether they were private citizens or reporters and about the organizations where they worked. If a member of Congress sought such documents, employees were told to specify Democrat or Republican. No one in government was allowed to discuss the political reviews with anyone whose information request was affected by them.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: cultureofcorruption; enemieslist; foil; obamascandals; partisanwitchhunt; thechicagoway; thugpolitics; transparency
To: Behind Liberal Lines
Chicago politics brought to DC.
posted on
03/28/2011 2:44:18 PM PDT
Blood of Tyrants
(Islam is the religion of Satan and Mohammed was his minion.)
To: Behind Liberal Lines
Investigations needed. Independent Counsels needed.
posted on
03/28/2011 2:50:18 PM PDT
(This post is not a statement of fact. It is merely a personal opinion -- or humor -- or both)
To: Behind Liberal Lines
Obama’s making a list, and checking it twice. The press crucified Nixon over such tactics.
posted on
03/28/2011 2:55:55 PM PDT
a fool in paradise
(The biggest waste of brainpower is to want to change something that's not changeable. -Albert Brooks)
To: Behind Liberal Lines
Since this is the AP is there a chance this will be reported by some MSM?
posted on
03/28/2011 3:01:21 PM PDT
To: Behind Liberal Lines
That nonsense falls under official oppression, though if an enforcement action were to ever get followed through on a drone low on the totem pole will get stuck with taking the fall before the one(s) who instigated it would.
posted on
03/28/2011 3:04:03 PM PDT
lapsus calami
(What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; ColdOne; Convert from ECUSA; Delacon; ...
Thanks Behind Liberal Lines.
...since July 2009, career employees were ordered to provide political staffers with information about the people who asked for records -- such as where they lived and whether they were private citizens or reporters -- and about the organizations where they worked. If a member of Congress sought such documents, employees were told to specify Democrat or Republican. No one in government was allowed to discuss the political reviews with anyone whose information request was affected by them.
Never take a subpeona to a gunfight.
posted on
03/28/2011 4:06:47 PM PDT
(Thanks Cincinna for this link --
To: a fool in paradise
posted on
03/28/2011 4:29:45 PM PDT
(Elect Veterans not Lawyers)
To: colonialhk
Yes, Obama is Carter² and that’s patently obvious to most.
What needs to be pointed out, clearly and often, is that Obama is Nixon³.
posted on
03/29/2011 5:05:14 AM PDT
(First, Do No Harm)
To: Behind Liberal Lines
-——They dont like to abide by the law or be reminded that they are breaking it————
They don’t fear the law because there is no law.
We are not allowed to say what should become of the lawlwss
posted on
03/29/2011 5:20:53 AM PDT
(K.E. N.P. N.C. D.E. +12 ....( History is a process, not an event ))
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