1992. President G. H. W. Bush disapproved Long Island Power Authority's attempt to enter into a contract with the French firm Cogema to reprocess the slightly irradiated initial core from the decommissioned Shoreham reactor.
1992. President G. H. W. Bush halted weapons reprocessing in a policy statement on nuclear nonproliferation declaring: "I have set forth today a set of principles to guide our nonproliferation efforts in the years ahead and directed a number of steps to supplement our existing efforts. These steps include a decision not to produce plutonium and highly enriched uranium for nuclear explosive purposes...."
1992. Energy Secretary Watkins announced the permanent closure of the Hanford, WA, PUREX reprocessing plant in December.
2001. President Bush's National Energy Policy included the recommendation that "[t]he United States should also consider technologies (in collaboration with international partners with highly developed fuel cycles and a record of close cooperation) to develop reprocessing and fuel treatment technologies that are cleaner, more efficient, less waste intensive, and more proliferation-resistant."
Reprocessing is the way. Works for the Japanese and the French.
There are reactors that will neutralize that spent fuel,But we do not use these reactors as they do not make weapon grade material.
BLAME Harry Reid democratic senator for spent nuclear rods filling pools at the nuclear plants instead of being stored in Nevada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLAME Harry Reid democratic senator for spent nuclear rods filling pools at the nuclear plants instead of being stored in Nevada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLAME Harry Reid democratic senator for spent nuclear rods filling pools at the nuclear plants instead of being stored in Nevada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLAME Harry Reid democratic senator for spent nuclear rods filling pools at the nuclear plants instead of being stored in Nevada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stack it along the Mexican border. Any problem impeding the human tide of illegal Democrats swarming across will be handled quickly.
Yep, MSM will keep rolling out these types of reports til all our nuclear plants are shut down, government better start erecting windmills & FAST!
Seems to me they are making plenty of room in the middle of Detroit to accommodate a storage facility.
harry reid’s fault.
This site covers the watermelon greens who set back Yucca Mountain. The book is being reprinted.
Encase them in blocks of glass and drop them into the Marianas trench. They will be safe for eons.