Posted on 03/11/2011 10:15:18 AM PST by pabianice
Obama is giving a "press conference" now on TV. This is an epic adventure in gasbaggery. He is refusing to answer questions he doesn't like. He is answering questions about Libya with incoherent bursts of temper. The highlight so far is his insistence that the meager budget cuts proposed by Repubs is "unacceptable and dangerous" and that he will not consider signing a bill that contains them. He insists that all government spending is "investment." This is pretty clear. He will not or cannot accept reality.
Expect CRs to continue for the rest of the FY.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt, is it?
Shut down the government. If we don’t have to pay their salaries, maybe they will start paying attention.
The biggest danger we face is to reduce the government by one penny.
The biggest danger we face is to reduce the government by one penny.
The biggest danger we face is to reduce the government by one penny.
Does ANYONE really CARE WHAT this Halfrican Bastard says anymore?
Or did they simply applaud his non-answers to their flaccid questions like usual?
>>Obama: proposed Republican budget cuts “dangerous, unacceptable”<<
Hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Even President Urkel.
Doesn’t mean the COIC (communitiy organizer in chief) knows what the heck he’s talking about.
This guy is beyond embarrassing.
He's not on America's side.
budget cuts proposed by Repubs is “unacceptable and dangerous”
But my T.A.R.P. and healthcare isn’t.if anything is dangerous it’s him what an idiot.
Obama is dangerous, and unacceptable.
Obama is an idiot.
why isn’t anyone thus far keep asking him about IW , the thuggery and why not this debt?
It’s like a love fest and he certainly loves to heard himself talk.
BTW He is one dumb idiot, Hell no wonder he sealed his schools records I bet he got all F’s, he really is stupid
Watch, they’ll do something to sabotage a good thing.
They will destroy America and somehow manage to get Republicans blamed.
Anyone wonder about Zero’s mental state? Delusional? Paranoid?
Obuggery is dangerously incompetent!
To quote from C-3PO in the original Star Wars movie
They're unacceptable/dangerous precisely because they're too meager.
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