To: cynwoody
You need to acquaint yourself with the teachings of Father William of Ockham (1285-1349). It's a great antidote to spinning wildly unfounded conspiracy theories like a birfer.
Wow, you've hear of Ockham's razor. Geez, can I have your autograph?
You give the word dumb ass a whole new flavor.
Tell me sage, please provide your proof that a Lefty family didn't bring along family friends on their vacation. People do this sort of thing you know.
What if they did?
Yeah, what if they did? Well, there is that... I mean if they did, it wouldn't have any impact on the validity of my premise would it. /s I'm dealing with a real brain trust here.
It's quite possible the Kennedys or the Kerrys or the Edwards's have some Mexican friends. But it's also quite unlikely said friends are not rich enough to vacation in Vail on their own dime.
Yeah, you're right. The Kennedy's and the Kerry's are the only Leftists who go to Vail. Of course none of the Lefties in California have hired help that might fit in this category do they.
Not all Mexicans are as rich as Carlos Slim, but quite a few have enough to throw around excess pesos in places like Vail. And rich American liberals certainly know the difference between pals and servants. When they're after the sheeple's vote, rich libtards like to yammer about two Americas and all that, but we don't call them limousine liberals because they actually hang out with the little people, do we?
For a person who doesn't like wild theories, it's kinda funny to watch you spin them yourself. I have posited a reason why I question the status of the girl and her family. I don't really have a burden on this, but it is interesting to see you come unglued on the subject. Why would I actually give a damn, other than to wonder why the girl didn't want the man to go to jail?
Since I'm going out of my way to defend her, why don't you explain what evil mindset I must have had here to posit the question in the first place, you dolt.
The FACT still remains that the 14 year old girl did not want the perp to get jail time. That simply doesn't compute for me.
And the fact remains the father did want the perp charged. And that blows out of the water any illegal immigrant theory.
No, it does not. And this actually calls to question your comprehension skills. I mentioned a scenario where the father could have been assured that his immigration status would not be used against him, if he wanted the full charges pushed. You evidently didn't have the tools to grasp that. Either that our you are so disengenous that you decided to ignore that point, and act as if it had never been made. Frankly, I don't blame you.
As to why the girl wanted mercy for her assailant, who knows?
Well, you sure as hell don't.
Filler did apologize when he realized the true situation.
Really? Wow, that's amazing. You seem to have read the same thing I did. Remarkable.
Maybe she wasn't hurt as badly as reports suggest.
And maybe you're an idiot. Whether she had serious injuries or not, the trauma of someone jumping on top of you and hitting you in the face with his fists, goes beyond mere physical injury. It is not reasonable to conclude that nothing other than her generous nature accounted for this. And yet, wild theories of your own design, are just fine to introduce here.
Maybe she felt guilty about hitting Filler's four-year-old.
Maybe. Yep, that's absolutely conclusive. Thanks.
Maybe it's that several months have passed, and she now feels he's been punished enough.
Another conclusive assumption. LMAO Thanks.
Who knows?
Actually none of us do. None the less you have come here to set me straight. And you even felt desperate enough to introduce the 'birther' label here.
How dare I ask the question, "Why?"
But it's 100% clear immigration law is not a factor!
Until you have proof that this was a vactationing family from Mexico, your certainty of the status on the clear immigration issue is pegged at 0%.
IMHO, she made a correct and judicious decision.
Who asked? Who cares? And with your logic, that's more a curse than support.
May she grow up to be President of Mexico!
Yes, if she ever returns there. At this point it isn't even conclusive she will.
If you'll look up thread here, you'll note that I told others that raised the issue of Mexican tourism being a possible factor, that they had raised a good point. I also told you that I thought you were likely 90 to 10%, right. I did also mention that until we know for sure, the issue is not mute. And that is the case.
So here you come back with another caustic response, looking like a bigger fool than you did in your post before this one.
Ockham's Razor? Wow. Really? Good grief.
It's proof of nothing here, and you should have known that.
330 posted on
03/10/2011 1:01:57 AM PST by
(Here's the proof of Obama's U. S. citizenship: " " Good enough for our 3 branches...)
To: DoughtyOne
I think the most likely case is the girl didn’t want to testify, so she accepted a plea bargain.
331 posted on
03/10/2011 1:17:21 AM PST by
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