Selective Law Enforcement is not a good thing... me thinks.
Every sign they quoted were sweetness and light. Nice article when you can get it. Written by a union worker?!
“They’re now all on double secret probation !”
Any cop who stays overnight to show “solidarity” with the anti-democracy protestors should be fired the next morning.
Let them stay. Control all the entrances. Allow no food in. They’ll be gone by tomorrow afternoon.
I guess that’s clear enough. Republicans in Madison, WI needn’t call law enforcement any more for anything. It’s against police policy to enforce the law where the Republicans are concerned. What a sham of a police force! Fire them. Fire them now.
Feb 2, 2009
MADISON (WKOW) — Dane County authorities alleged 19 year old Collin Tubbs of Middleton went on an arson rampage, right after calling his father, state capitol police chief Charles Tubbs.
Police and court documents state chief Tubbs received a phone call from his son around 4 a.m. Feb. 13 before the crimes.
A Middleton police report states the younger Tubbs told his father “someone had shot his (Collin Tubbs) vehicle.”
The report states Collins Tubbs also said he was “ ‘going to take care of it,’ “ and his father encouraged Tubbs to contact police.
But the police report states chief Tubbs did not contact Middleton police himself until an hour and a half later, after the arson fires had been set.
Oh, and I am sure THE EXACT SAME THING would happen if they were Tea Party people. (Like Hell!)
Who do they think they are to pick and choose which laws to enforce?
Barak Obama?
Eric Holder?
Time for the governor to call in the State Police and arrest everyone in the building along with the cops who did not carry out their directive to vacate the building.
Have they even voted on this yet? rumor is one of the rinos is changing his vote.
The Situation Room/Wolf Blitzer, Charles Tubbs
Feb 27, 2011 ... Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs told CNN “People are going to have to try real hard to get arrested. We don’t want anybody arrested
You lose...
After watching these frothing idiots, I will never buy another ‘union’ made thing if I can help it.
If the teachers, cops and other worthless malcontents continue to rebel and act in this lawless way at the capital, then maybe a change of venue is in order to conduct the State’s legislative business.
I’m thinking that renting a hall at a fashionable hotel might work. Let the Hotel security deal with the trespassers. Maybe down at the local VFW? Resume their activities at a National Guard post?
Is there some place that is operated by pipe-benders who aren’t on good terms with the union and the police who would host this event?
You don’t understand: the law, the rules - it’s for you little people not us.
Now if you’re done complaining, I see some taxes you need to pay. :)
Walker is the peacemaker in this scenario and the protestors are picking up the reputation of smelly hippies.
Most of the people in the state house are professional protestors and some of them are being paid to create a scene in which protestors are beaten and cuffed for national TV.
And Walker will have none of that going on.
The teachers are going home because vacation's over. The remainders are college students and professional agitators.
Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs made a totally gutless coward decision.