Can illegal aliens sign the petition? After all, they do vote.
Interesting that they didn’t name the “Chandler woman” who filed the recall paperwork.
Why are they covering for her?
She won 54:42 -
Good luck with the left wing propaganda attack.
Will the names be of legal citizens?
“Mishandling the state’s finances”- uh huh, sure. I guess the petitioner knew that stating “Being mean to illegals and being raaaa-cist” would make their motives too obvious.
Good luck. She has an 80% favorable rating.
Good luck with that.
The latest in left wing witchunts.
It’s the DOJ that needs ‘recalled’, not Brewer!
ACLU, feds coordinated attack on Arizona crackdown on illegals
Interesting info on the woman who started the recall petition. She claims it’s because people in need of organ transplants are being turned down and dying because of Brewer.
The “Chandler Woman” is a former Obama Organizing for America volunteer, sells email addresses to campaign and an well known liberal/progressive activist.
They’ve set up a webpage
Interesting comments on the recall here
Tommi Pryor’s most likely Facebook (obvious Dem, but I’m not friending it)
Barry gave the morons in “Tuscon” a free T-shirt and now they’re all fired up. ROTFL!!! Sorry commies. It just ain’t gonna happen for ya! Morons! You can get every Mexican National in Mexico and the southwestern United States to sign your goofy “petition”. It won’t mean anything. There are still too many Americans living in Arizona.
This tactic is legitimate, it’s available to the right also. In this case it won’t work though, she was just reelected by a rather large margin.
Mostly, this is just the left, trying to make a noise and be relevant. It’s what they do.
The left is trying to intimidate her. They know the “Birther” bill is coming up and they are going to do everything they can from every front to try to stop it from being signed into law. If they truly believed their president was constitutionally eligible to be president, then they wouldn’t give a rats butt and they would leave Arizona alone.
If she were as bad as they say, where was their person at election time ? This is a case of sour grapes
The Chandler woman should come forward into the light and list her complaints against this courageous governor...Brewer is a true she perfect? NO but she is 99% better than most. Shame on that activist! La Raza? MEChA? CAIR?