So providing chicken sandwiches to a seminar supporting traditional marriage is now a statement against homosexulaity? The culture war has ratcheted up several notches in the past two years and the moonbats won’t be satisfied until they’ve forcibly crammed this perversion down everyone’s throat. The Churches are next.
the homosexuals and many on the left just do not understand that the homosexual lifestyle is unnatural and that these people need mental help.
Telling them that they should have equal rights based on a sexual preference opens the door to consenting incest, animals and yes men with 9 wives.
Hell at least a man with 9 wives has sex which nature intended.
Wrong end.
Don’t get the cart before the horse on this issue.
Understand that the homosexuals are simply being used as the current weapon in the Cosmic Battle against Christ and His church.
The overarching goal of the “gay rights” movement is to CRIMINALIZE Christianity.