Posted on 01/16/2011 4:56:31 AM PST by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
Sunday, January 16th, 2011
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J.; former Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Al Sharpton.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Gillibrand; Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; Gov. Ed Rendell, D-Pa.; former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Town hall discussion from Tucson, Ariz. (Enraged shot Leftist threatens TEA party Leader, gets arrested and put into mental observation)
STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Reps. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., and Grace Napolitano, D-Calif.
Hi All
Had a rare Sunday morning when I did not have any pressing daddy or hubby duties to do so thought I would drop by and say HI!
On Oct 1st, I moved to Georgia to take up a new job. Eeevil Conservative and I are finally living together as husband and wife IN the same home.
So life is very very good, if amazingly busy, for us. Just thought that since Eeevil and I met for the very 1st time on this thread, I would share the happy news with y’all
No Mc and Cheezy?
Hope its warmed up in S. Ala.
Yet another pathetic attempt by the DBM to stack the decks in favor of the regime.
For those watching the C-Spammers at work today,if you have the ability to read between the lines of the conversation between a truly weak willed pubbie John Feeherey supposedly a Republican strategist and the all lies all the time Karen whatever the DEM operative obviously hand picked by Val Jarrett(the new commander of the regime) to reinvent reality you were truly disgusted.
Disgusted that our side is so weak willed that we don't come out firing with a Gatling gun until we are stopped.
Put just one Freeper on C-Spam and the left would have to crawl out of the studio!!
Here we have the worst regime eve that has plunged us into irretrievable debt, ruined our rep worldwide, destroyed the economy and set us up for fall after fall naming only Obamacare,tarp stimulus and just a few to make the case. Did our clown come up with any of this stuff or show any outrage? Hardly. Its always the get along to get along attitude of the country club pubbies. Sad day.
Muslim Picked for New Jersey Bench [Gov. Chris Christie appointee] |
01/14/2011 11:34:02 AM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 39 replies The New York Times / The Associated Press ^ | January 13, 2011Trenton-Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday that one of his seven nominees for Superior Court judgeships would be a lawyer who represented many detainees swept up by the government in the post-9/11 dragnet. The lawyer, Sohail Mohammed, worked in the aftermath of the attacks to try to foster trust between American Muslims and law enforcement, particularly federal officials. He is a board member of the American Muslim Union. Mr. Christie, a United States attorney, was a regular guest at that groups annual Ramadan dinner and spoke highly of Mr. Mohammeds work.... |
For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with man tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my LOVE for you. 2 Cor 2:4
Now that Global Warming has fizzled the DNC is running out of reasons not to produce energy. How do you have a healthy economy w/o cheap and plentiful energy? It is becoming very clear to all of America there are no good economic reasons not to produce and only their cult worship causing our 15-20% unemployment.
The only way you can have over $3/gal gas during the worst recession in 80 yrs is limiting your own supply which is what the congress and enviro-priests have done. They have fooled the people into believing if you produce oil and burn it, the world would be destroyed. They tried to prove this myth with the theory of GW but that one is like a harp seal in a Killer Whales jaw. This study was supposed to scientifically back up what the enviro-cult has been preaching for decades, how American cars were destroying the atmosphere and we had to move away from fossil fuels to protect the earth. Next!
This theory was part science and mostly religion. Science was supposed to prove their worship except it failed from one pollution theory after another until it found the biggest fraud of them all Global Warming. They produced a scam that demanded blind faith preaching CO2 could cause heat energy from leaving the earth and was going to destroy us, no really! For every thinking person outside the EPA you have to put aside all of your logic and intellect and just be a fundamentalist earth worshiper or a professor enjoying $2 Billion in grants. So, now it is falling apart faster than East Germany after Perestroika and Americans are starting to ax questions. Basically everyone except the nazis inside the EPA knows it was a fraud to enslave America and soon will want those people fired.
The other big myth was if you spilled a drop of oil in the ocean you would have massive fish kills. The eco-Sanhedrin had convinced the world a spill of the slightest amount on the bottom of the ocean would bring massive devastation covering thousands of miles destroying the oceans worldwide. When BP exploded and millions of barrels escaped we were told the Gulf would become a lifeless desert and would likely spread all the way up the east coast to DC and beyond perhaps to England. Not only did it not affect the east coast in the slightest there was no measurable effect on the Gulf and some studies have shown the fish actually thriving. This proves once again there is no lasting damage from oil since it is a naturally occurring mineral in the ocean and fish adapt and likely thrive in it. The only damage the Gulf spill caused were the brain cells inside eco-charlatans.
Now we know there are no real reasons ecologically not to drill in the ocean or anywhere else. The myths that have been spread by the enviro-fundamentalists have been exposed for the fabrications they were. Everybody knew they were only using these excuses to promote their agenda of destroying the energy companies and America, its just now it has been confirmed. These commies would rather Americas economy be destroyed and millions without jobs than an abundant resource be developed to support those jobs. This has been one of the most craven displays of fundamental worship for communal salvation the world has ever witnessed and we are their sacrifice.
Someone who is a liberal cultist lives his life 24/7/365 being more liberally pure than all other people to maintain their holiness. If you dont believe it, watch one eat and talk about how more tolerant he is than anybody else. Don’t question him or he will show how truly intolerant he is. The more you worship the liberal cult by saying the right things and thinking the right thoughts the better person you are since you are your own god which is your salvation making you a good person as opposed to those bad Christians and Conservatives. One of the main tenants of liberalism is earth worship which is an occult religion of land, water, sun and living creature gods. The primary way they worship it is by following their high priests of science and eastern/native American mysticism who come up w/crackpot theories then later try and fail to prove them. It really doesnt matter how bizarre the theory as these fundamental liberals believe everything on faith alone. This is the reason no matter how many ways these theories are proven false, just like the Aztec rituals everybody suffers while they worship their gods especially the people on their altars.
The problem the church of liberalism has now is the light of truth is being shone on it and more parishioners are leaving it. Now the masses understand their reasons for not drilling are not based on scientific fact but pure myth. Most Americans are not ready to take a vow of poverty to worship Gaia so they are beginning to wonder why we arent drilling our own oil and paying over $50/tank. They know GW was a con job and now know the drilling ban is too. At a time when you have 10%+ out of work why are you destroying good paying jobs to worship an earthen god? This is the main question of this session and upcoming election Global Warming or jobs? Gaia or Gas?
As they run out of reasons and their frauds are exposed repeatedly more Americans are going to question, why do we want to continue starving ourselves from something that is plentiful, strategic and as simple to refine as oil? Why are we listening to people who are wrapped up in a bizarre sadistic cult when we could be enjoying plentiful energy and all the fruits that come with that plenty? Until we answer those questions we will be suffering with high unemployment and a shrinking middle class. You sure dont see any Sierra Club lawyers taking a vow of poverty for themselves in their Malibu beach condos. If liberals want to worship their cult why do they need to make us take their vow of poverty? Why shouldnt you be free not to worship their gods? The Constitution says we have Freedom of Religion as well as Freedom from Religion including Gaia. America has to free herself from this Theocracy.
Pray for America
So, watcha doing work wise? Hopefully a good job.
In all my contacts, I haven’t heard of a good job in Atlanta for the past two years, sorry.
But I REALLY am happy for you (and Eeevil)!
Congratulations on another milestone in your marriage. Living together in one house does have advantages, huh.
How do you like living in Georgia? Might be a culture shock experience in some ways. LOL
Good morning, everyone! That’s quite a contrast Fox has, between Newsmaker Christie and Tepid Tim.
Of course his first job is to get the RNC out of debt,call all the former contributors apologize for ignoring them and beg them to come back.
We don’t call him Whoreraldo for nuttin’ AB.
pictures of the happy couple ?
Congrats....I had no idea
You can see what the rats are up to and how they systematically tank the country and fawn over the regime on MSLSD.
For me I would rather know what the enemy is up to than listen to Gretchen agonize over something they may have said wrong and will now get a dozen e mails spanking them. Not much guts on that show, only Brian has a slight bulge where the zipper is.
But never fear the regime will fine them millions tomorrow and then shut them down.
And we will have 6 inches of snow later on in the week.
Oh NO!
Not that!
Great find W-Girl!!
lolol - great description of Debbie WS. She’s on the ABC “town hall” with Christine right now.
Chris Christie is a fraud along the lines of John McCain. He pays lip service to fiscal conservative interests, though he doesn’t do all that much about it, praises Obama whenever he can, and reserves almost ALL his vitriol for Sarah Palin and other conservatives.
I hope FReepers reject this guy en masse.
No better than McCain and a charlatn. He is Doom CIty if ever nominated and should not even be considered for VP, ever. There are WAY better Rinos than this scam artist.
Muslim Picked for New Jersey Bench [Gov. Chris Christie appointee]
As I was saying...
Debbie Wassername Schultz needs to:
Shu-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh Dup!
Add in she(washerwoman) talks through her nose and has her hair done using a Kitchen Aide blender and you have one hell of a Socialist America hater. Unfortunately we have all too many of these types here in South Fla.
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