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Barack Obama lets his faith show
Politico ^
Posted on 12/28/2010 5:09:14 PM PST by Sub-Driver
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To: Sub-Driver
He has more frequently cited passages of the Bible, including repeated references to the spirit of Genesis 4:9 I am my brothers keeper; I am my sisters keeper Such as those late-term abortion-surviving babies you helped sentence to death while in the IL Senate, Baraq?
Go back to hell, you evil, posing POS. You're not fooling anyone but your drooling, brain-dead, adoring minions.
posted on
12/29/2010 7:35:34 AM PST
(The West needs to act NOW to aggressively treat its metastasizing islaminoma!)
To: Responsibility2nd
I remembered that, Thanks for posting it.
posted on
12/29/2010 7:48:19 AM PST
(Like the Ft Hood Killer, James Earl Ray was just stressed when he killed MLK Jr.)
To: Moonman62
posted on
12/29/2010 10:54:23 AM PST
To: Sub-Driver
Obama showing his TRUE fealty:
posted on
12/29/2010 11:31:53 AM PST
Don W
(I keep some folks' numbers in my 'phone just so I know NOT to answer when they call...)
To: JennysCool; hiredhand; NFHale; DoughtyOne
when a die-hard leftist appropriates a wise-ass remark made by the archetypal murderer, he is really showing you more about himself than he would like. ive come to believe that *evil* is more or less required to tip its hand to those it tries to kill...kind of a built in 'leveling of the field' that the Lord put in place to give us a chance against the awesome [but limited] power and knowledge that the father of lies posesses...he knows scripture better than we do, and the *small* untruths and distortions are often a more grand lie than the whoppers...
i also believe that he [satan and bambam] thinks its more fun, and gets his jollies by openly puttin things in our faces and getting away with it...
if we arent studying the Word and helping each other [brothers *keeper*] we [the world] will certainly miss and be inclined to believe more lies than we catch...
posted on
12/29/2010 12:33:41 PM PST
(Gov is not reason; not eloquent; its force.Like fire,a dangerous servant & master. George Washington)
To: Gilbo_3; JennysCool; hiredhand; NFHale; stephenjohnbanker
When a die-hard leftist appropriates a wise-ass remark made by the archetypal murderer, he is really showing you more about himself than he would like. I agree.
The sinner (if you will), is generally desisitized to the vileness of his own ways. This is a concept I use to try to keep myself in check. A lot of us blunder through life not thinking of this dynamic, and I think we are the worse for it, when we do.
What do my personal behind the curtains activities allow me to show in public, not thinking anything of it? Is this activity good? Is it something I would want to have revealed in public. Is it something that could cause me to act inappropriately in public, thinking it's a normal thing to do? I believe the person who explains away evil so that he can do what he wants, reveals much in public that he doesn't realize.
For a long time I have thought this way about Blacks who can't accept ownership for their own mistakes. It has to be someone else's fault. "Even if what I did was a crime, there is probably a very good reason why I should not be blamed." All kids and other adults adopt this behavior too, and I'm not here to say all Blacks operate this way either. It was just a good example.
I've come to believe that *evil* is more or less required to tip its hand to those it tries to kill...kind of a built in 'leveling of the field' that the Lord put in place to give us a chance against the awesome [but limited] power and knowledge that the father of lies posesses...
I agree. For instance, we know what some politicians will do because we've seen what they've done before. Why lie to ourselves about what they will do in the future to justify voting for them again?
Why do we sign on to support candidates who are willing to do some of the same things we savage Democrats for doing, when they do it?
There are exceptions to your rule, but I think there are obvious examples of it being true too. You get little warning of the home invasion and some other crimes. On the other hand, you can observe how people operate and avoid them too.
he knows scripture better than we do, and the *small* untruths and distortions are often a more grand lie than the whoppers...
I agree. Blurring the truth is a very subtle way to get folks to misunderstand the truth. Plausible cover stories for explaining away the truth are often subtle, and ultimately very dangerous.
And along these lines, I believe we have much more to fear from people in our own ranks, than we do from people we know are our enemies. We can generally develop a defense against those we know to be our ideological (and worse) enemies. It's much harder to defend against being stabbed in the back. And when folks on our side triangulate with our enemies, it can be devistating.
i also believe that he [satan and bambam] thinks its more fun, and gets his jollies by openly puttin things in our faces and getting away with it...
Yep, that's Bill Clinton to a tee also. More and more I think it's our Congress-critters too. They thumb their noses at us and do as they damn well please.
if we arent studying the Word and helping each other [brothers *keeper*] we [the world] will certainly miss and be inclined to believe more lies than we catch...
I agree.
posted on
12/29/2010 1:05:35 PM PST
(All hail Obama, Lord of the Skid-mark, constantly soiling himself and our nation.)
To: DoughtyOne; Gilbo_3; JennysCool; hiredhand; stephenjohnbanker; Squantos
D-1 and Gilbo:
You guys have no idea how much I learn from and respect you both.
Thanks for your posting.
FuBO is basicaly using the tactics his handlers taught him; play on the naivete and/or ignorance of basically decent folks and use their ignorance against them.
Professing himself a “christian” doesn’t make him simply shows him to be the manipulative, lying, deceitful POS that we know him to be.
The other side will use ANY tool they can to take us and this country apart. Fagging up the military is a perfect example of it. Hopefully, the boys in uniform will resist, stall, hinder, and otherwise confound it with every means at their disposal - within UCMJ bounds (and without if they can find a way).
This past year has been one slap in the nuts after another for this Country. The damage that party and their RINO subversives has done is something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.
And it’s all based on lies, deceit, and fraud.
We should expect nothing less from the titular “head” of the Dems (who knows who his real handlers are?)
Praying for a better year, upcoming - one way or the other.
posted on
12/29/2010 1:44:27 PM PST
(The Second Amendment - By Any Means Necessary.)
To: NFHale
D-1 and Gilbo: You guys have no idea how much I learn from and respect you both. Thanks for your posting.
Thank you for the nice response, but if I weren't leaning things here from folks like you, I woudn't be here.
FuBO is basicaly using the tactics his handlers taught him; play on the naivete and/or ignorance of basically decent folks and use their ignorance against them.
I agree with this. And I will add that guys like John McCain do precisely the same thing. "Don't believe those angry haters. Trust me. I wouldn't do anything to harm this nation. Honest!"
Professing himself a christian doesnt make him simply shows him to be the manipulative, lying, deceitful POS that we know him to be.
Ultimately, that's my bottom line on what he's been up to. Christians don't go to foreign nations, bow before their leaders, and apologize for the supposed evils of the United States. No nation is perfect, including our own. And at times it may make sense to admit that certain things we did in the past weren't good, but you don't have to grovel to make amends. You don't have to in essense reveal that you think the U. S. was the real Evil Empire all along. You simply become a better partner. Obama is clueless to this.
The other side will use ANY tool they can to take us and this country apart. Fagging up the military is a perfect example of it. Hopefully, the boys in uniform will resist, stall, hinder, and otherwise confound it with every means at their disposal - within UCMJ bounds (and without if they can find a way).
I agree with this. If this were what it is being portrayed to be, certain aspects of our society wouldn't be under attack. Our young children are under attack. The definition of marriage is under attack. The homosexual lobby knows no bounds. And realizing that, you have to accept that it is our society as a whole that is under attack. They are trying to turn our nation into a homosexual enclave where anything goes, none of it being any worse than what a married man and woman do in their relationship.
This past year has been one slap in the nuts after another for this Country. The damage that party and their RINO subversives has done is something I never thought Id see in my lifetime.
We are seeing the excelerated decline of Western Civilization. Morals are considered to be passe. And when that happens, anything goes. Nothing is really right or wrong. Nothing is out of bounds for those who wish to do it. The involvement of animals is the next step. We all know it's coming. Our society is melting down, and there's no way people can deny it.
I personally see this as the emergence of 'end-times'. We have a global society. We can be anywhere in hours, and anything can be seen in seconds or minutes from the other side of the planet. This has never been possible before. We are one large global society. That is something that the end times required. And now it is here.
I don't think this gets slowed down. I believe we are on the slippery sloap going down the drain. From here it gets more pronounced, and excelerates beyond our wildest ability to grasp it.
And its all based on lies, deceit, and fraud.
Yes, it is. And with regard to the emergence of sin, that was what it was all about.
We should expect nothing less from the titular head of the Dems (who knows who his real handlers are?)
I agree. The party has gone over to the dark side, lock stock and barrel. Nothing should surprise us. Nothing...
Praying for a better year, upcoming - one way or the other.
I think it has come to the time when we must pray for personal peace and understanding, because we will find neither from our decaying global situation.
Faith is the valued commodity from here. No matter what transpires, if we have it, and trust in Him, and love Him, and live our lives accordingly, we will see this through. He has promised us we will.
Isn't this what we knew would come eventually? I think so.
We have been led to believe it would be a log time off in the distance. I know I thought so. And then, watching things break apart over the last decade or two, it became rather obvious what was taking place. Perhaps I'm off in an alternatue universe, but that's how I see it.
I'm not quite as fatalistic as this post would indicate, but I do think we're on the fast-track to end times.
posted on
12/29/2010 2:24:00 PM PST
(All hail Obama, Lord of the Skid-mark, constantly soiling himself and our nation.)
To: Georgia Girl 2; All
Actually, he’s a humanist, not a Muslim, though I admit it’s certainly possible he may be a former moslem who still has warm and fuzzy feelings for the faith.
posted on
12/29/2010 3:55:34 PM PST
Jacob Kell
(Romneycare=Obamacare lite.)
To: Georgia Girl 2; All
Actually, he’s a humanist, not a Muslim, though I admit it’s certainly possible he may be a former moslem who still has warm and fuzzy feelings for the faith.
posted on
12/29/2010 3:55:36 PM PST
Jacob Kell
(Romneycare=Obamacare lite.)
To: Liz
The sooner he hears it, the better....LOL. First we have to get our own dear Senators(R) to hear it. You know... the guys that voted to repeal DADT, approve the new START treaty, and those lurking in the halls of DC supporting "comprehensive" immigration reform (giving citizenship to millions of illegal aliens). These great "leaders" aided and abetted the improvement in Obama's approval ratings thereby rejuvenating his agenda. If they don't hear the message of Nov 2010, let's hope they are all thrown out on their keister Nov 2012 (Obama included).
posted on
12/29/2010 7:56:23 PM PST
("Controlling carbon is a bureaucrat’s dream. If you control carbon, you control life" —Lindzen)
To: NFHale; DoughtyOne
Thanks to both of you as well for enlightening me so often...occassionally I get a lil motivation and type something, then HE puts it into a coherant ramble that speaks truth...
Faith is the valued commodity from here. No matter what transpires, if we have it, and trust in Him, and love Him, and live our lives accordingly, we will see this through. He has promised us we will.
Isn't this what we knew would come eventually? I think so.
and although it *seems* to be right around the corner, in reality there could be several more generation of circlin the drain before the Lord says enuff...
i can almost see *crowds* in the heavens pleadin for us, and the bargaining to spare more of us, than are deserving [which is none] for a while longer to turn to Him for all things, and away from false magic negro messiahs that must, according to Scripture, do all these things fulfill the days...
like D1, im not that fatalistic, too much human will and fight to accept that i cant do anything about it...Im simply trying to find where in the *line* my spot is and to do my job, according to His Will, temporally, i still hafta make it to the spot...
as for mistakes of the past..."we should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble. As God's people, we stand on our feet, we dont crawl before anyone."
emphasis mine, author anonymous...8^}
posted on
12/30/2010 7:10:36 AM PST
(Gov is not reason; not eloquent; its force.Like fire,a dangerous servant & master. George Washington)
To: NFHale; DoughtyOne; Gilbo_3; JennysCool; hiredhand; Squantos
” This past year has been one slap in the nuts after another for this Country. The damage that party and their RINO subversives has done is something I never thought Id see in my lifetime. “
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same. I knew Obama was pure evil before he took office, and the combination of him & pelosi could destroy the country. They are off to a good start too! I DID learn that the mainstream media should be jailed for sedition.
To: stephenjohnbanker; DoughtyOne; Gilbo_3; JennysCool; hiredhand; Squantos
RE End Times:
I’ve found myself starting to take some credence in it; I never really thought about it before, but D-One you made some wheels start turning in my head in post 108 and prior conversations we’ve had, also Gilbo’s posts as well.
Yeats was right:
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
I guess its another way of saying evil men triumph when good men won’t/don’t/are too cowardly to shoot them in the head...
posted on
12/31/2010 6:47:37 PM PST
(The Second Amendment - By Any Means Necessary.)
To: NFHale; DoughtyOne; stephenjohnbanker; hiredhand
bottom line becomes whether we believe that the Holy Lord would have us be martyrs, or would allow us, by
HIS WILL to shoot evil in the head...
ultimately if our actions are grounded in HIS GLORY, its all *good* and rightfully expected that we do so...
I believe thats one of the major reasons that evil thumbs its nose at us, and why we hesistate to act, because its will take 100% certainty for a *good* man to decide that his ego isnt his motivator...
my .02 or somethin like that...
posted on
01/01/2011 8:36:19 AM PST
(Gov is not reason; not eloquent; its force.Like fire,a dangerous servant & master. George Washington)
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