Yup. Still this was unjustified homicide.
>>Yup. Still this was unjustified homicide.<<
Oh, absofrickinlutely. I was just bringing it up as probable. People in downtown seattle don’t realize how small it is until they’ve been to Chicago or NYC. If that guy was a vagrant with the record he had, and the cop had been on the force in that area more than a couple of years, the cop probably very well knew who the guy was, and probably knew something of is record, as well as his being a woodcarver.
It is all just educated guess on my part, of course. I used to work downtown and would watch the cops do their thing down there. I got to know a few of them at a very “cursory” level, and I was just a downtown office puke.
This whole thing is sickening.
The cops can’t wrap this up and call it Christmas..it was MURDER.
The cop shot him in the back!
I am hearing impaired, as you know..
I got pulled over by a cop one night, and asked him to shine his flashlight on his own mouth so that I could “see” him speaking.
He complied, but at first I think he thought I was putting him on.