There Are Now Enough Vacant Properties In China To House Over Half Of America
[ the vacant properties could accommodate 200 million people]
"Why would so many properties be held vacant? They're seen as long-term investments, even if renters aren't available.
This is due to the dearth of investment options available to most Chinese, butting up against their rapid wealth creation."
"They need to put their money somewhere, but the stock market is under pressure and bank interest doesn't cover inflation.
So they plunk their money into a new property, just as a place to store their wealth,
even if they don't intend to live in the place and can't find renters."
Build it and they will come. . . .well. . .maybe not.
Any American city in another few years, courtesy Barack Lenin Obama
Chinese economic holocaust ping? That’s a lot of “Potemkin villages”! I cannot wrap my feeble brain around 64 million vacant housing units.
I don’t know much about it, but I would not be surprised if the politicians ordered the construction of this housing in areas where no one lives. The Chinese version of the “bridge to no where.”
Some interesting comments at the link. Apparently many of these houses are paid for with the possibility of a Florida style collapse is less. Imagine how full these houses would be, if they didn’t force abortions and infanticide.
Don’t see much in the way of factories or other means of supporting people
Looks like lots of places in California.
Manufactured GDP. What to do with those American interest payments of BILLIONS every few months... Meanwhile the peasants are still starving.
But.. but their economy is expanding at.. what? 500 percent every year for decades? I don’t recall the last few reports.
Looks like a few places I saw in Saudi Arabia. Entire villages that the government built for the Bedouins, who are nomadic, and won’t stay in the villages. For those who were at Eskan Village for Operation Southern Watch, that is one of the villages.
When I worked in the hinterlands of China in ‘76 - ‘77, every housing block like these would have piles of dirt at the end, just like the second building in this picture. And the residents would all toss their garbage out the windows at the end of the building onto that pile of dirt. Then the pigs and sheep would root through the garbage day and night, eating their fill. It was a wonderful place.
They look remarkably well-maintained. Do they send people in to trim the shrubs and rake leaves?
What’s the life expectancy of these buildings? The row in the photo has a distinct dominoes kind of vibe to it. Maybe they are death chambers er education facilities built to certain... earthquake specifications.
Looks like an amazing waste of capital and resources. On the positive side, at least these are resources not used to expand military or to industrialize at an even higher rate relative to the US.
The number one problem with socialist, command style economies is political concerns override efficient uses of resources. It is why their growth is retarded and inflexible compared to truly market economy. This just reinforces my impression that China will hit a economic wall, ultimately failing in its goal to grow rich before it grows old and will be in serious decline and turbulence during my lifetime. The question is will they implode on themselves or will they explode damaging us and everyone around them?
Of course if the US doesn’t get it’s act together we could very likely be in a state of failure and collapse before then.