To: Kathy in Alaska; txradioguy; beachn4fun; StarCMC; Lady Jag; laurenmarlowe; GodBlessUSA; fatima; ...
Good morning to everyone at the Canteen.
Not quite as cold this AM than it has been the past two days.
104 posted on
12/03/2010 4:45:28 AM PST by
(111TH congress = most shameful ever)
To: y'all; Arrowhead1952; beachn4fun; E.G.C.; Kathy in Alaska; GodBlessUSA; ConorMacNessa; MEG33; ...
Hope all you early birds
have a GREAT weekend!
I'm off today so that's what I call
a good start! :)
119 posted on
12/03/2010 7:19:07 AM PST by
(Atlas has shrugged)
To: Arrowhead1952
Good afternoon, Arrowhead....perfect for a snack in the airport. Thanks. ((HUGS)) It’s snowing and blowing per reports at my house. It better calm down before I get there. I want no diversions or delays. I just want to get home safely late, late tonight.
137 posted on
12/03/2010 3:17:46 PM PST by
Kathy in Alaska
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