Posted on 12/02/2010 4:19:10 PM PST by i88schwartz
A reporter asks Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) if an average American citizen "went through similar circumstances as yourself that they may be punished in a worse way?"
Rangel lashed out at the reporter: "Please, I'm not a psychiatrist. I don't deal in average American citizens."
"I'll come back to you when you have a good question," he added.
The House overwhelmingly voted to censure Rep. Rangel.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He is the ranking member of the Black Criminal Caucus. They need a full RICO Criminal investigation.
And we ordinary American citizens “don’t deal” in racist, corrupt, lying, sleazeball politicians, either.
Of course, Rangel and all the other elites are far above us regular people. The law doesn’t apply to them as it does to us.
Of course, Rangel and all the other elites are far above us regular people. The law doesn’t apply to them as it does to us.
The House voted to censure Rangel 333-79.
Who were the 79 US House Representatives who voted to let Charlie Rangel off the hook?
The vote divided the caucus on racial and regional lines, with a majority of the black caucus and New York delegation voting against censure, as well as a handful of lawmakers who worked alongside Rangel on Ways and Means before he was forced to give up the gavel earlier this year. Some conservative Blue Dog Democrats also voted against censure.
“REPUBLICANS” Peter T. King (NY-3) and Don Young (AK-1) voted to let Rangel off the hook.
Rangel wanted the negro exemption.
well la dee da. He is so much better than me lol NOT!!!
I watched his comments on the floor. Pathetic, he didn’t admit to doing anything wrong and sounded like he was blaming someone else. I thought Pelosi was reading a eulogy, what a long face she had.
No kidding, you fat evil criminal.
Rangel just nuked his own camp with that single line.
She'd be prancing around with that stupid big gavel.
Rep. Don Young of Alaska may not have many black constituents, but he's sure a crooked soulmate of the disgraced Rangel.
Young has been under federal investigation for suspicious earmarks, taking bribes, illegal gratuities and suspicious gift.
I hope he's the next criminal-loving RINO to stand in the well of the House (in stocks).
Unlikely to ever happen in my case, but if I ever get audited and wind up with a massive tax bill- can I just opt to stand in the well of the House and have Nancy Pelosi berate me rather than slaving away for years to pay it off?
Do Charlie and other top tier government types have to pay off their tax bills when caught doing hinky stuff with their taxes, or is 'censure' all that they get?
Find out how your congresscritter voted. Y means they wanted censure.
Ackerman, N;
Aderholt, Y;
Adler, Y;
Akin, Y;
Alexander, Y;
Altmire, Y;
Andrews, Y;
Arcuri, Y;
Austria, Y;
Baca, N;
Bachmann, X;
Bachus, Y;
Baird, Y;
Baldwin, Y;
Barrett, X;
Barrow, Y;
Bartlett, Y.
Barton, Y;
Bean, Y;
Becerra, N;
Berkley, Y;
Berman, Y;
Berry, X;
Biggert, Y;
Bilbray, Y;
Bilirakis, Y;
Bishop, N;
Bishop, Y;
Bishop, Y;
Blackburn, Y;
Blumenauer, Y;
Blunt, Y;
Boccieri, Y;
Boehner, Y;
Bonner, Y;
Bono Mack, Y;
Boozman, Y.
Boren, Y.
Boswell, Y;
Boucher, Y;
Boustany, Y;
Boyd, X;
Brady, N;
Brady, Y;
Braley, Y;
Bright, Y;
Broun, Y;
Brown-Waite, Ginny, X;
Brown, Corrine, N;
Brown, X;
Buchanan, X;
Burgess, Y;
Burton, Y;
Butterfield, N;
Buyer, X;
Calvert, Y;
Campbell, Y;
Camp, Y;
Cantor, Y;
Cao, Y;
Capito, Y.
Capps, Y;
Capuano, Y;
Cardoza, Y;
Carnahan, Y;
Carney, Y;
Carson, N;
Carter, Y;
Cassidy, Y;
Castle, Y.
Castor, Y;
Chaffetz, Y.
Chandler, Y;
Childers, Y;
Chu, N;
Clarke, N;
Clay, N;
Cleaver, N;
Clyburn, N;
Coble, Y;
Coffman, Y;
Cohen, Y;
Cole, Y;
Conaway, Y;
Connolly, Y;
Conyers, N;
Cooper, Y;
Costa, Y;
Costello, Y;
Courtney, Y;
Crenshaw, Y;
Critz, Y;
Crowley, N;
Cuellar, Y;
Culberson, Y;
Cummings, N;
Dahlkemper, Y;
Davis, N;
Davis, Y.
Davis, Y;
Davis, Y;
Davis, Y;
DeFazio, X;
DeGette, Y;
Delahunt, X;
DeLauro, Y;
Dent, Y;
Deutch, Y;
Diaz-Balart, L., Y;
Diaz-Balart, M., Y;
Dicks, Y;
Dingell, Y;
Djou, Y.
Doggett, Y;
Donnelly, Y;
Doyle, Y;
Dreier, Y;
Driehaus, Y;
Duncan, Y;
Edwards, N;
Edwards, Y;
Ehlers, Y;
Ellison, N;
Ellsworth, Y;
Emerson, Y;
Engel, N;
Eshoo, Y;
Etheridge, Y;
Fallin, X;
Farr, Y;
Fattah, N;
Filner, N;
Flake, Y;
Fleming, Y;
Forbes, Y;
Fortenberry, Y;
Foster, Y;
Foxx, Y;
Franks, Y;
Frank, N;
Frelinghuysen, Y;
Fudge, N;
Gallegly, Y;
Garamendi, Y;
Garrett, Y;
Gerlach, Y;
Giffords, Y;
Gingrey, Y;
Gohmert, Y;
Gonzalez, N;
Goodlatte, Y;
Gordon, Y;
Granger, X;
Graves, Y;
Graves, Y;
Grayson, N;
Green, Al, N;
Green, Gene, Y;
Griffith, Y;
Grijalva, N;
Guthrie, Y;
Gutierrez, N;
Hall, Y;
Hall, Y;
Halvorson, Y;
Hare, Y;
Harman, Y;
Harper, Y.
Hastings, X;
Hastings, Y;
Heinrich, Y;
Heller, Y.
Hensarling, Y;
Herger, Y;
Herseth Sandlin, Y.
Higgins, Y;
Hill, Y;
Himes, Y;
Hinchey, N;
Hinojosa, N;
Hirono, N.
Hodes, Y;
Hoekstra, Y;
Holden, Y;
Holt, Y;
Honda, N;
Hoyer, Y;
Hunter, Y;
Inglis, X;
Inslee, Y;
Israel, Y;
Issa, X;
Jackson Lee, N;
Jackson, N;
Jenkins, Y;
Johnson, E.B. N;
Johnson, N;
Johnson, Sam, Y;
Johnson, Y;
Jones, Y;
Jordan, Y;
Kagen, Y;
Kanjorski, N;
Kaptur, Y;
Kennedy, N;
Kildee, Y;
Kilpatrick, N;
Kilroy, Y;
Kind, Y;
Kingston, Y;
King, N;
King, Y;
Kirkpatrick, Y;
Kissell, Y;
Klein, Y;
Kline, Y;
Kosmas, Y;
Kratovil, Y;
Kucinich, Y;
Lamborn, Y.
Lance, Y;
Langevin, Y.
Larsen, Y;
Larson, Y;
Latham, Y.
LaTourette, Y;
Latta, Y;
Lee, N;
Lee, Y;
Levin, N;
Lewis, N;
Lewis, Y;
Linder, Y;
Lipinski, Y;
LoBiondo, Y;
Loebsack, Y.
Lofgren, Zoe, Y;
Lowey, N;
Lucas, Y;
Luetkemeyer, Y.
Lujan, Y;
Lummis, Y.
Lungren, Daniel E., Y;
Lynch, Y;
Mack, Y;
Maffei, Y;
Maloney, N;
Manzullo, Y;
Marchant, X;
Markey, Y;
Markey, Y;
Marshall, Y;
Matheson, Y.
Matsui, Y;
McCarthy, Y;
McCarthy, Y;
McCaul, Y;
McClintock, Y;
McCollum, Y;
McCotter, Y;
McDermott, N;
McGovern, Y;
McHenry, Y;
McIntyre, Y;
McKeon, Y;
McMahon, Y;
McMorris Rodgers, X;
McNerney, Y;
Meeks, N;
Meek, X;
Melancon, N.
Mica, Y;
Michaud, Y;
Miller, Gary, X;
Miller, George, Y;
Miller, Y;
Miller, Y;
Miller, Y;
Minnick, Y.
Mitchell, Y;
Mollohan, Y;
Moore, N.
Moore, N;
Moran, Y;
Moran, Y;
Murphy, Patrick, Y;
Murphy, Tim, Y;
Murphy, Y.
Murphy, Y;
Myrick, Y.
Nadler, N;
Napolitano, N;
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Nunes, Y;
Nye, Y;
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Owens, Y;
Pallone, Y;
Pascrell, Y;
Pastor, N.
Paulsen, Y.
Paul, Y;
Payne, N;
Pelosi, X (the speaker by tradition often does not vote);
Pence, Y;
Perlmutter, Y;
Perriello, Y;
Peterson, Y;
Peters, Y;
Petri, Y;
Pingree, Y.
Pitts, Y;
Platts, Y;
Poe, Y;
Polis, Y;
Pomeroy, Y.
Posey, Y;
Price, Y;
Price, Y;
Putnam, X;
Quigley, Y;
Radanovich, Y;
Rahall, Y.
Rangel, N;
Reed, Y.
Rehberg, Y.
Reichert, Y.
Reyes, N;
Richardson, N;
Rodriguez, Y.
Roe, Y;
Rogers, Y.
Rogers, Y;
Rogers, Y;
Rohrabacher, Y;
Rooney, Y;
Ros-Lehtinen, Y;
Roskam, Y;
Ross, Y;
Rothman, Y;
Roybal-Allard, N;
Royce, Y.
Ruppersberger, Y;
Rush, N;
Ryan, Y;
Ryan, Y;
Salazar, N.
Sanchez, Linda T. , Y;
Sanchez, Loretta, Y;
Sarbanes, Y;
Scalise, Y.
Schakowsky, Y.
Schauer, Y;
Schiff, Y;
Schmidt, Y;
Schock, Y;
Schrader, Y;
Schwartz, Y;
Scott, N.
Scott, N.
Sensenbrenner, Y.
Serrano, N;
Sessions, Y;
Sestak, Y.
Shadegg, Y.
Shea-Porter, Y.
Sherman, Y;
Shimkus, Y.
Shuler, X;
Shuster, Y;
Simpson, Y.
Sires, Y.
Skelton, Y.
Slaughter, N;
Smith, N.
Smith, Y.
Smith, Y;
Smith, Y;
Snyder, Y.
Space, Y;
Speier, Y;
Spratt, Y.
Stark, N;
Stearns, Y;
Stupak, N.
Stutzman, Y.
Sullivan, Y.
Sutton, Y;
Tanner, N.
Taylor, Y;
Teague, Y.
Terry, Y.
Thompson, N.
Thompson, Y.
Thompson, Y;
Thornberry, Y.
Tiahrt, Y.
Tiberi, Y;
Tierney, Y;
Titus, Y.
Tonko, Y;
Towns, N;
Tsongas, Y.
Turner, Y.
Upton, Y.
Van Hollen, Y.
Velazquez, N;
Visclosky, Y.
Walden, Y.
Walz, Y.
Wamp, Y.
Wasserman Schultz, Y.
Waters, N;
Watson, N;
Watt, N.
Waxman, Y;
Weiner, N.
Welch, Y.
Westmoreland, Y.
Whitfield, Y.
Wilson, Y.
Wilson, Y.
Wittman, Y;
Wolf, Y.
Woolsey, N.
Wu, Y.
Yarmuth, Y.
Young, N.
Young, Y.
You got that right!!!
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