To: Lady GOP
If these son's of Satan create a calamitous nightmare bloodbath targeting innocent Americans, especially children...they will have the battle they seek. They will be exterminated from our midst.
114 posted on
11/06/2010 7:16:56 PM PDT by
(truth is always stranger than fiction)
To: Awgie
First we would have to do something about shutting up our most traitorous libs who would join the Muslims in blaming the Christians. They already excuse things in Islam for which they'd happily ban/outlaw Christianity if they could, such as opposing homosexuality-they conveniently forget that whereas Christians morally oppose it, Muslims would actively oppose it by killing homosexuals. They'd kill the libs in short order also, as they would be considered more immoral than Christians. Liberals are only useful to them until they can act on their own behalf using violence
133 posted on
11/06/2010 7:41:04 PM PDT by
To: Awgie
Not with IMAM Obamessiah in power... the blood of 3,000 already stains Ground Zero and IMAMA Obama wants the Victory Mosque build on their blood and bones. On top of that, Obama has done everything in his power to make sure little attention is given to the Muslim butcher who as a member of the military killed thirty of his comrads in arms at a military base all in the blood thirsty name of "allah".
The blood of Christians, children and church attenders could flow in the streets as a result of an attack by Muslims and Islam here in America and IMAM Obama would continue to side with Islam and Muslims over America and her citizens because HE IS NOT ONE OF US. He and Michael hate America, and all that we stand for. Besides he has already told us that America and Americans can easily "absorb another attack!" This evil man is dispicable.
For the only answer see tagline
280 posted on
11/08/2010 4:23:43 AM PST by
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