With Holder sending 400 of his Gestapo boys out to “observe” the voting places in shakey ‘RAT districts, this guy might be on to something.
No doubt they have all their goons in a row!
Overconfidence can be a downfall. Arrognance on the part of the DumboCRats.
Memo to all “top democrats”: Tuesday is the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.
They appear not to care if they lose, which worries me. It may be all part of their evil plan to blame the next two years of disaster on Republicans/Conservatives, then re-assert their control in 2012 and go for broke (literally).
“They’re EXTREMISTS!”... yeah, that mantra has been working really well for you this whole time, Dems.
As seen in the latest pseudo assault on Joe Miller, weasels become extremely viscious when cornered! Let us hope that Alaska’s voters are not taken in by them!
Yes. Indeed, yes.
Take note Tuesday night, demscum.
Youve got large pools of undecided voters, he said.
I agree with Morris here. These people have had Dem representation for years. If they are undecided now, they’ll break for the new guys.
Morris described it as, when you are married for a few years, and someone asks if you would do it again, your answer is, I’m undecided - would you really vote for that person again?
I am embarrassed for this poor guy sitting there saying such ridiculous things and with a straight face yet. If I were a host I would feel compelled to ask him how he can do it. Van Hollen must have absolutely no respect for himself at all. Either that or he should go directly to the nearest mental institution, do not pass GO, do not collect $200 and check himself in.
Let's see...on the conservative, we have guys like Dee Adcock running for congress against Alyson Schwartz. Adcock is a small business owner who wants to cut taxes and fix the economy. Schwartz voted for cap and trade, Obamacare, and opened an abortion mill in Philadelphia and profited from the killing of babies before she was in politics. So...which candidates are "extreme" again?
The Democrat leadership has to act confident, even if they know they will lose badly.
Just a common sense move on their part to salvage some morale for the boots on the ground, and to avoid bad feelings from those who do lose as well as those who just escape losing on Tuesday.