To: quesney
Gee, Huckabee trying to get in front of the parade.
To: Parley Baer
“Gee, Huckabee trying to get in front of the parade.”
You aren’t kidding. Mr. Huckabee, why don’t you represent something more important, like ending the illegal immigrant invasion?
Oh, that’s right. You like the illegals and they’re your “best friends”. If anyone votes for this knucklehead, I feel sorry for you.
9 posted on
10/21/2010 10:32:31 AM PDT by
To: Parley Baer
Yeah? If he wants to be in front he better start jogging faster. Others are already leading the parade.
Just heard on FNC that NPR has launced another attack on Juan! And this is their fund raising week! LOL
30 posted on
10/21/2010 11:11:54 AM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: Parley Baer's so unlike him. s/
45 posted on
10/21/2010 11:47:32 AM PDT by
top 2 toe red
(Not supporting a corrupt, Marxist, Socialist President makes me a racist?!? Then a racist I am!!!)
To: Parley Baer's so unlike him. s/
47 posted on
10/21/2010 11:47:50 AM PDT by
top 2 toe red
(Not supporting a corrupt, Marxist, Socialist President makes me a racist?!? Then a racist I am!!!)
To: Parley Baer
LOL, I read one time that William Seward, Lincolns Sec of State was a great politician, he was able to get out in front and lead people wherever they wanted to go.
48 posted on
10/21/2010 11:48:29 AM PDT by
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