(Admin Moderator- This sounded worthy of the Breaking News Sidebar. Apologies if it is not.)
1 posted on
10/19/2010 6:42:46 PM PDT by
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To: earlJam
Frank’s fault... Dodd’s fault!
2 posted on
10/19/2010 6:44:26 PM PDT by
(Like a termite to wood, Obama only wants to destroy - Mark Levin)
To: earlJam
If it weren’t for sleeping pills, I don’t guess Messrs. Dodd and Frank would be getting any respite.
To: earlJam
Frank and Dodd Frog March!
It’s finally Fitzmas!
8 posted on
10/19/2010 6:55:46 PM PDT by
(http://libertyfic.proboards.com <--- My Fiction/ Science Fiction Board)
To: earlJam
“[t]he official says the question is whether financial institutions were acting with criminal intent or were simply overwhelmed by events...”
We’re the bansters acting with criminal intent??? Does a tiger do it in the woods????
9 posted on
10/19/2010 6:55:54 PM PDT by
(It is better to suffer every wrong, than to consent to wrong.)
To: earlJam
I was getting tired of those virutal online ‘He’s crazy looks’ so maybe this will lead to something so I won’t have a complex any longer.
10 posted on
10/19/2010 6:56:01 PM PDT by
To: earlJam
Arrest Bwarney Frank and Dodd...CASE CLOSED!
To: earlJam
to determine whether the financial industry may have broken criminal lawsStart the investigation and perp walks with Congress, Fannie, and Freddie.
13 posted on
10/19/2010 7:01:15 PM PDT by
(High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
To: earlJam
So following the law can now get you arrested?
It’s just another day in Obamaland. :)
17 posted on
10/19/2010 7:11:19 PM PDT by
(No thanks. We have enough government already. - The Tick)
To: earlJam
The only way you avoid problems is to only loan to people based on the fully adjusted ending higher rates, not the initial teaser rates.
No look loans, 100% financing and all that were destined like Obama to fail the people.
20 posted on
10/19/2010 7:15:59 PM PDT by
A CA Guy
( God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: earlJam; Liz; hoosiermama; STARWISE; onyx; penelopesire; SE Mom
“AP source: FBI looking at foreclosure mess”
23 posted on
10/19/2010 7:34:13 PM PDT by
To: earlJam
In 1994, it’s well known that the FBI warned of “an epidemic of mortgage [origination[] fraud.
Maybe they should dredge out their old files.
24 posted on
10/19/2010 7:34:21 PM PDT by
Attention Surplus Disorder
("No longer can we make no mistake for too long". Barack d****it 0bama, 2009, 2010, 2011.)
To: earlJam
FBI lookin into it?
“Yep, That’ll do it...”
(Line from “Stand and Deliver”)
28 posted on
10/19/2010 7:42:47 PM PDT by
(I don't mind liberals... I hate liars...there just tends to be a high degree of overlap)
To: earlJam
Key in “The Love for Three Oranges...” Instead of investigating the terrorist occupation of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, these gumshoes are wandering around bank vaults... Edgar, please forgive us!
29 posted on
10/19/2010 7:47:19 PM PDT by
April Lexington
(Study the Constitution so you know what they are taking away!)
To: earlJam
A federal law enforcement official says the FBI is in the initial stages of trying to determine whether the financial industry may have broken criminal laws in the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Yea, well, when will the FBI be looking into what caused the crisis in the first place? ie subprime home loans to folks with bad credit, the fraudulent paperwork submitted to obtain the loans, the no doc loans, the kickbacks to brokers submitting the no doc fraudulent loans, where everyone deserves a home like everyone else socialist agenda, which was forced on lenders under threat of lawsuits, and fines, for not making not what lenders knew were bad loans. All the while Fannie and Freddie saying not to worry, make the loans, we got your back.
31 posted on
10/19/2010 8:02:34 PM PDT by
(Repeal the 16th amendment . Send Islam packing to their homeland.)
To: earlJam
While they still hide Whitey Bulger!
The FBI is a joke.
To: earlJam
Up and down the chain. From borrowers on up to the US Congress and multiple federal agencies.
35 posted on
10/19/2010 8:27:58 PM PDT by
(USS Tarawa, VQ3, USS Benjamin Stoddert, NAVCAMS WestPac, 7th Fleet, Navcommsta Puget Sound)
To: earlJam
This issue envelopes the Rinocratic Oligarchy...completely and bipartisanly. In fact, it might be the only true Bipartisan political conduct, in addition to TARP, to come out of DC in decades.
48 posted on
10/19/2010 9:14:13 PM PDT by
To: earlJam
The truth is out there! Really... out there. I mean, whoa.
49 posted on
10/19/2010 9:40:16 PM PDT by
To: earlJam
I wonder how many times these “lenders” have been paid for these notes? They transferred them and sold them as securities and got paid. How do we know they didn’t chop them into 100 pieces and then sell 300 pieces? If the properties were foreclosed, then they got paid by the mortgage insurance. They also got bailed out by the government. They sold the securities without transferring the real estate as collateral so the investors don’t have any option to recover their investment. The banks will say, sorry guys, but the people didn’t pay and you lose. The banks can’t find the paperwork, sometimes can’t get legal standing in court to foreclose and after you pay off your note, they can’t deliver you a clear title because they don’t have the paperwork. What a mess!
To: earlJam; ex-Texan
The FBI should have been investing the Dems & RINOS for allowing the banksters to steal trillions in tax dollars and ruining the economy. It’s a little late at this stage.
53 posted on
10/19/2010 11:13:21 PM PDT by
M. Espinola
(Freedom is never "free")
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