This issue envelopes the Rinocratic Oligarchy...completely and bipartisanly. In fact, it might be the only true Bipartisan political conduct, in addition to TARP, to come out of DC in decades.
You betcha it does, and is. George Bush is on video praising Fannie and Freddie for their efforts to ensure everyone gets a home. GB, "everyone deserves a home like everyone else."
Some forget the first bailout came under Bush. Course, Obama run the ball into the end zone, and then, leaped into the stands with the crowd still cheering.
We laughed at Peggy Joseph, "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car, or paying my mortgage anymore." We thought what a stool pigeon to believe such non-sense from Obama. Well, ole Peggy gets the last laugh. Since as it turns out, the working stiff taxpayers are the fools.