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There are classifications for material the US uses. Confidential, Secret and Top Secret....the levels of damage, if the information is disclosed, increase with level of classification. The Top Secret level means that material, if disclosed, could cause Exceptionally Grave Damage to the United States. Obama’s tenure fits this requirement. However, it isn’t a secret, certainly not TOP SECRET; it is common knowledge to ALL Americans. Only the selfish users choose to make excuses and ignore the grave damage, because they are just that - patently selfish.
It’s not just the Gulf Coast economy. It’s the entire U.S. economy. Don’t forget to join Dumb and Dumber’s Commie Central anti-Restoring Honor party next weekend to laugh about it! There are going to be “hundreds of hundreds of thousands of thousands” of laughers there according to the state run “media”.
Joe Mason is a banking professor at LSU. He will say ANYTHING to get in the newspaper or in front of Congress. He knows nothing about the oil industry, employment or anything other than credit cards.
This time he happens to be right, but many times he is SOOOO wrong. He is a weatherman — he simply reports which way the wind in blowing.
Well if this Prof actually DID say this then I assure you that his job is now in jeopardy.
The Labor Unions along with the rest of the 0bama Brown Shirts will be after him like they are O’Donnell and Palin.
He’s just made himself a rather large target for the Red Media, Couter-Revoloutionaries from the Left’s patronage institutions WILL NOT be tolerated.
I wonder whom this professor voted for in Nov 2008?
Would he like to disclose that?????
If you live in the Northwest or in the East you are safe. /s
islam advances
Well so much for the ocean levels ceasing to rise and the planet healing. What a load of cheap theater and pure crapola. Little Barry can’t walk on water and can’t command the seas to calm. Amazing just simply amazing that in this day and age so many people were stupid enough to fall for this bs.