I know the Lord did not anoint any of you
Only the Lord, who is all knowing, not assuming!
Being safe in the arms of our loving Savior Jesus Christ, that Devil cannot even get close to us...
a) How would you know because, as you pointed out, only the Lord is all-knowing?
b) You are wrong
I know the lord did not anoint any of you
Who cares ???
I’m not interested in the imaginary mormon lord...
or were you speaking of Joey Smith ???
Either way theres no benefit from any so called “anointing”
But meanwhile we Christians will keep on exposing the false religion of mormonism
and the doctrines of the anti-Christians ...
You do NOT 'know' what JS alledgely 'learned' was UNTRUE about PRESBYTERIANism; but you BELIEVE what he said.
(Why don't you believe US when WE say things? SURELY NONE of our past lives are as shady as JS' was; yet you BELIEVE him!)