I am no fan of the Mormon religion but Glenn Beck is an American who wants the best for American and the best from Americans. Unlike Obama. The rally wasn’t about Beck, it was about America. Libs can’t understand that. They follow the cult of personality, which is why Obama is president.
I’m glad the experts have deemed him worthy.
CNN is just trying to create division between patriots. They should be ashamed — but leftists have no shame.
I’m not so sure.
How could he constantly talk about his Mormanism (which is NOT CHRISTIANITY but a works based cult) and truly understand the concept of salvation through Christ.
Ah...the media has found yet another way to attack Glenn Beck. Divide and conquer...a strategy as old as time itself.
I am an Evangelical. I would go along with Glenn Beck any time over such “Evangelicals” as Pat Robertson or anyone on TBN. Just because I agree with his philosophy does not mean I agree with his specific religion. Get a life.
Exactly why do they have to defend themselves?
Ah, here we go. CNN seeks out stories like this . . .but Muslim misbehavior, non-PC stuff .. naw, we have to find that on FOX or on blogs . .
No wonder CNN et al is in the tank.
Beck isn’t asking us to join the Mormon Church or any other church, for that matter.
This is exactly where that fat pig of a Senator, Landrieu, was going with her code-worded: Beck’s gospel is not real.
What CNN should do is replay Beck’s rally in its entirety without commercial interruption instead of acting as groupthink mindguards.
I know. I know. What color is the sky in my world?..
I am surprised CNN has a “religion blog”.
After listening to Glenn Beck Saturday, I have decided that how you use Mormanism is what matters. If it helps you to reach the Father, good for Mormanism. There are many Christians who fail to use their Christianity to reach out to God. It is this failure I have a problem with.
Beck: “people aren’t recognizing [Obama’s] version of Christianity.”
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm....
Yeah, Mormonism is a theological mess. I agree.
But ya know what? I never am gonna be worried about the OSMOND FAMILY banging down my front door and beheading me.
Mormons say this all the time which convinces many that they are christians.
However, it is generally not known that Mormons think of Jesus differently than orthodox christians do. Mormons think that they will become gods after death in the same way that Jesus is a god (small "g"). Mormons think they will rule other worlds in the same way Jesus rules this one. They also think Jesus is Lucifer's brother.
Pretty weird stuff. That being said, politics is about coalitions. Remember we had to join with Stalin to fight Hitler. Not saying, of course, that Beck is Stalin...far from it. Just making the point that all people who are joining in the fight against socialistic atheism and all that that implies in America are on our side at this time. They are strong allies on present political issues.
Right and Wrong in one’s life.
Good and Evil in government.
THOSE have nothing to do with one’s religious beliefs.
We can and must ALL work together to re-make America toward the ideal of a Constitutional Republic - We The People - A More Perfect Union - with a government of, by and for the people.
This message crosses all faiths, and there should be NO support whatsoever for nit-picking Glenn Beck or anyone else in this regards.
They DO NOT report the news. They stir up and slant.
Hands down, they win America's one dimensional news reporting award.
So does the Catholic church, the Eastern orthodox church, and the non Evangelical Protestant churches.
Mormons and the left and CNN strive to convey the image that only those right wing Evangelicals don't recognize Mormonism as Christian.
The one, single (but very serious) character flaw with almost all conservatives, is the tendency to “go on the defensive”.
Please. Put liberals on the defensive, but never back down.